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For Android: 4.0.3 and up Guide: Autism cheats tutorial
When updated: 2018-10-09 Star Rating:
Name: Autism hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: Muslim Islamic Apps File Name: com.autism.childcommunication
Current Version: 1.0 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 100- Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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Autism Gameplay, Trailers and Related Videos

Watch 10 Early Signs of Autism (UPDATED) video.

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Watch How Much Do You REALLY Know About Autism? video.

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Watch My Friend with Autism video.

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Watch Autistic Surfer Didn't Want To Surf video.

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Watch What is High Functioning Autism? video.

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Watch 6 stages of Autism Meltdowns video.

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Watch Autism Symptoms and Behaviors - Home Video video.

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Watch I’m Autistic! | Getting diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder video.

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Watch Autism Meltdown & Panic Attack video.

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Watch Trying To Cope With A Severely Autistic Child video.

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About the application:

Autism is a very problematic developmental disorder, so much so that psychologists put it in what they call pervasive developmental disorders. Autism has a lot of impacts on a lot of aspects of kid development (see below). Mofeed educational tool promotes healthy kid, autism, supporting education and unique needs growth. Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are developmental disabilities that cause considerable impairment in social interplay and communication, and lead the individual to exhibit atypical behavior and preoccupation. The first works of systematic description of autism date from the 1940s, the two forerunners in the field being Leo Kanner and Hans Asperger (which will describe at the time a somewhat less serious form of autism). Bruno Bettelheim is also known for his theories about autism. General description What primarily symbolises the autistic disorder is the social relation in a lot of of its aspects. The etymology of the word autism also refers to a withdrawal into oneself. The autistic is in his own globe and seems not to perceive others and their attempts to communicate, or not to be interested. The main symptoms of autism lie in reciprocal interactions with others, although it is known today that autistic people are capable of attachment and affection! Autism must be well-thought-out as a very profound handicap for all that is decoding and understanding the expressions and emotions in the another. It is now thought that it is really at the level of understanding and management of the social info important for human relations that disability originates. Handicap that will manifest at the level of reciprocity, an absence of reaction to a smile, an impossibility to establish eye contact, a lack of reaction to his name. The autistic person meets enormous difficulties in sharing his interests, his emotions, his activities with others. Often, moreover, his interests can focus on noises (the passage of vehicles) or parts of very specific objects (the wheels of a toy truck). We talk about true social and emotional handicap. The autistic kid, for example, cannot practice symbolic play, imaginary play, a form of learning that is absolutely fundamental for tiny humans. The first studies of autism created the parents of kids with autism very guilty. The mothers were literally accused by the psychiatrists of being responsible for the disorder of their kid by a cold and deadly attitude. To escape the anguish of this 'horrible mother', the kids would have taken refuge in this deep withdrawal on themselves. We know today that it was a deep (and serious!) Misunderstanding of the disorder, and the approach to autism is very various at show. A rather unfortunate mistake, with results that we hardly dare to imagine on the guilty mothers.

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