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For Android: 4.1 and up Guide: Autism Language and Cognitive Therapy with MITA cheats tutorial
When updated: 2018-10-13 Star Rating:
Name: Autism Language and Cognitive Therapy with MITA hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: ImagiRation LLC File Name: com.imagiration.mita
Current Version: 5.0.5 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 100000- Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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About the application:

HIGHLIGHTS: • Best Autism Apk on the Healthline’s list • Used by over 200,000 kids with ASD as a supplement to their regular therapy • Contains infinite language and cognitive exercises designed to latest for approximately 6 years Mental Imagery Therapy for Autism (MITA) is a special, early-intervention application for kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). MITA contains bright, interactive puzzles designed to assist kids learn how to mentally integrate multiple features of an object, an ability proven to lead to vast improvements in general learning. Success with MITA should over time effect in significant improvements in a child’s overall development, specifically in the realms of language, attention and visual skills. SCIENCE BEHIND THE PROJECT • Based on ABA technique of visual-visual and auditory-visual conditional discrimination. • Based on language therapy technique of following directions with increasing complexity. • Based on Pivotal Response Treatment that targets development of response to multiple cues. A child's ability to message and to answer to multiple visual cues presented simultaneously is the most critical. This ability is typically impaired in individuals with autism, leading to what is commonly described as "stimulus overselectivity", or "tunnel vision." Improving the capacity to answer to multiple cues has been shown to reduce stimulus overselectivity, which in turn leads to vast improvements in general learning. MITA aims to train mental integration and receptive language, starting with easy vocabulary, and progressing towards higher forms of language, such as adjectives, verbs, pronouns, and syntax. MITA in the news: https://youtu.be/giZymh3rMHc MITA research articles: https://goo.gl/28VCGg; http://goo.gl/lyHw95; https://goo.gl/nUpfNU; https://osf.io/preprints/psyarxiv/xtj2z/ MITA EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES • Each activity is adaptive and delivers exercises that are at the exact level of difficulty appropriate for your kid at any given point in time • Animated heroes and Playtime rewards will hold your kid engaged while learning and having fun • Clean and intuitive interface with attractive graphics that every kid will love • No advertisements, no Wi-Fi necessary MITA develops your child’s mental-integration ability and language functions. The visual exercises follow a systematic approach for developing your child's ability to message multiple features of an object. MITA starts with easy exercises that teach your kid to attend to only one feature, such as size (screenshot #1) or color (#2). Over time, the exercises receive more difficult and require your kid to attend to two features simultaneously, such as both color and size (#3). Once your kid has practiced attending to two features, the tool moves on to puzzles that require attending to three features, such as color, size and shape (#4), and then eventually to puzzles that involve attending to an ever-increasing number of characteristics. The verbal exercises offer a more conventional, verbal approach to facilitating language acquisition, starting with easy vocabulary, and progressing towards higher forms of language (such as adjectives, prepositions, and syntax). MITA is designed for early childhood and intended for long-term, everyday use. It is designed to be engaging and educational, as well as adaptive and responsive to the individual abilities of each kid. MITA is developed by Dr. A. Vyshedskiy, a neuroscientist from Boston University; R. Dunn, a Harvard-educated early-child-development specialist; MIT-educated, J. Elgart and a group of award-winning artists and developers working alongside experienced therapists.

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Autism Language and Cognitive Therapy with MITA screenshot Autism Language and Cognitive Therapy with MITA screenshot Autism Language and Cognitive Therapy with MITA screenshot
Autism Language and Cognitive Therapy with MITA hack free android guides videoreviews photos and help from pro players.
Changes in Autism Language and Cognitive Therapy with MITA:
MITA HAS ADDED THREE NEW GAMES! Thousands of learning activities are organized into 16 games designed to last for approximately 6 years!<br>The new Flexible Language game teaches to interpret variations in a nested sentence&#39; syntactic structure. For example, the game requires to imagine and arrange animals living in a three-story house, where ‘the dog lives on top of the monkey and the cat lives under the monkey’. This is an essential game for teaching understanding of common flexible language.
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