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For Android: 5.0 and up Guide: BoatCoach for rowing & erging cheats tutorial
When updated: 2019-09-23 Star Rating: 3.73
Name: BoatCoach for rowing & erging hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: Dan Eiref File Name: com.eiref.boatcoach
Current Version: 2.176 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 50000- Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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About the application:

BoatCoach is the #1 apk for rowing and Concept2 ergometer training. MAIN FEATURES - Display stroke rate, stroke count, distance, speed, time, elapsed time, calories, heart rate, etc. - Built-in graphs and maps - NEW!!! Live stream a video of your workout to Fb - Logbook to shop all your workouts - Programmable workouts with easy graphical magician - Supports sweeps, sculls, kayaks, dragon boats, Concept2 ergometers (versions PM3, PM4 and PM5) - All the features of ErgData and much more - Erg calculator BoatCoach saves you from spending hundreds of dollars on a dedicated stroke meter and provides features not found elsewhere. BoatCoach uses your phone’s built-in sensors so no wires needed! FEATURES INCLUDE... ROWING MEASUREMENTS - Stroke rate / count - Distance - Speed average - Speed - Clock - Elapsed time - Calories / Watts - Heart rate ADDITIONAL CONCEPT2 ERG MEASUREMENTS (related to ErgData) - Force - Drive length / speed - Drag factor LIVE STREAMING - Send a video of your workout straight from your smartphone to Fb. - Present off a race, a private best, and receive encouragement and coaching from others, all as your workout is underway - Stats (time, distance, speed, stroke rate, etc.) are overlaid on top of the video - Post to your timeline or to a Fb group - Save a copy of your video to your phone PROGRAMS - Use 8 predefined tools including pyramids, tabata, 3 x 2000M, 10x500M, etc. - Make infinite tools using easy graphical magician - Tool time, distance, effort, target stroke rate - Use tools for both rowing and Concept2 erging LOGBOOK - Shop all your rowing and Concept2 erg workouts in a single logbook - Edit and email workout info - View graphs of prior workouts - Upload workouts to Concept2 site - Upload directly to Strava - CSV files compatible with RowsAndAll.com GRAPH WORKOUT - Plot speed, stroke rate, and heart rate versus. distance and time - Adjust y-axis max/min to optimize display place - Pinch & zoom to view in more detail - Automatically shop graphs in logbook for later viewing - Plot rowing in motion using phone's sensors MAPS - Map multiple workouts simultaneously with satellite or road view - Color route by speed, date, and piece DATA CAPTURE - Collect and email CSV data while rowing and erging. Speed, distance, heart rate, stroke rate, etc. Graph in spreadsheets like Excel. - Collect and email GPX info while rowing. Map your workout in Endomondo, Garmin Connect, and another apks. HEART RATE MONITOR (HRM) - Check and record your heart rate - Bluetooth Smart / Bluetooth Low Energy HRMs are supported HANDS FREE - Hands-free autostart pieces - Manually begin / stop / clear /pause / resume pieces - Apk can speak start/stop/speed/time/distance/etc [useful for visually impaired rowers] STROKE ANALYSIS - View acceleration versus. time graph for your boat - Email graphs to yourself - Assist optimize your stroke POWER CURVE - View Concept2 force plot, including quarterly average and distribution CALCULATOR - Calculate pace, time, distance for Concpet2 erg - Calculate weight adjusted pace and projected pace UPGRADE - Tools, graphs, Bluetooth smart HRM, maps, and data capture require paid make batter for full functionality. SETTINGS - 4 customizable screen layouts. Select the data you wish to see. - View distance in meters, kilometers, feet, miles - View speed in m/s, km/hr, ft/s, miles/hr, min/500m, min/1000m, min/mile CONCEPT2 USERS – IMPORTANT - For USB connection, smartphone must pass USB Host Mode compatibility tests. Use the “USB Host Diagnostics” apk accessible gratis from the Google Play Shop. - Apk will not function properly if a LogCard is in the monitor. QUESTIONS Please see www.boatcoachapp.com

BoatCoach for rowing & erging Hack - Gallery:

BoatCoach for rowing & erging screenshot BoatCoach for rowing & erging screenshot BoatCoach for rowing & erging screenshot
BoatCoach for rowing & erging hack free android guides videoreviews photos and help from pro players.
Changes in BoatCoach for rowing & erging:
New!!! BoatCoach ***Live*** sends a video of your workout straight from your phone to Facebook with your race stats (time, distance, speed, etc) overlaid on top of the video. It’s a great way to show off a race, a personal best, and get encouragement and coaching from others, all as your workout is underway. It works both on Concept2 and on-the-water rows. Click the red button on the dashboard to start.
Download apk from Google Play

Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • David Thomas: Unbelievable apk. I can download my ergo sessions into Excel easily.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-06-05

  • Gavin Farrell: Works just like an nk stroke coach Used it today with 6x3 mins coxing a quad took the rates spot on just held the smartphone by the shell and it felt the rock and took excellent readings Also even just good for a timer of pieces Also took the speed well and took down the length we rowed At the end seeing 1556 strokes was other good thing To be honest I would use this over a stroke coach but probably unless you have a water proof case and a stand in your foot stops it would be best off with the cox.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-04-07

  • Guy France: Used for sculling but not erging - good apk, does everything that you should possibly wish from a surge coach but better. Screen and numbers are clear and simple to read between strokes, and the accuracy is good. Also paid for the csv function and I highly suggest it. Pairs well with data visualization tool to make your own custom dashboards. Also customer service is perfect, apk creator responded quickly and helpfully to some questions. Highly suggested for anyone in little boats.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-12-25

  • Salvatore Crusco: Exactly what I'm looking for in a rowing apk. Icing on the cake would be to add Bluetooth functionality to pair the smartphone wirelessly to the PM5 fresh ver 17 modernize. Dev: I am satisfied to beta try :) Nexus 5 player here
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-02-08

  • A Google user: The best apk, I row with this every day, it 100% accurate, thanks!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-09-13

  • Dennis Fronheiser: Does what you need in a reliable method every time. Sets itself up. Thanks
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-06-12

  • A Google user: Good product, good help from Dan. If you are serious about Concept2 Rowing, this is almost mandatory.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-02-05

  • A Google user: Just tried it out once. Simple to use and works well for dragon boating.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-10-09

  • Dan L Dikas: Good. Using it every day.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-01-24

  • troy the consumer of large quantitys of bacon: I use it with a Concept2 with PM5 and it connects flawlessly most of the time, occasionally I have to connect manually. Connects with my polar H7 100% of the time. A good program for helping to improve my rowing stroke. I purchased the complete pack of add ons. It has helped me improve my split time by 31 seconds.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-03-25

  • Robert Grinnell: This is now my favorite apk on my smartphone. Helps hold me motivated with the saved workouts and graphs. Had an problem when I updated to kitkat which Dan sorted out with a fresh release within 24 hours - gorgeous! Will be upgrading to the paid functionality just to help this apk. Brilliant all round.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-03-27

  • Sebastián Dell Oro: Excelent apk
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-01-14

  • A Google user: Fullfills the needs for the daily rowing experience. Accurate in stroke rate and quick setup. A complex logfile with all data you need. Should be easier to use the file but a short look around the web and then it was without major problem to import it to Google Earth. Very nice apk. Suggested.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-08-10

  • A Google user: Highly suggested for the serious rower. I have a C2 and use the apk to connect to my PM5 and HRM via bluetooth. I corrupted one of my session files and the developer worked with me closely to receive it working.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-07-29

  • Chelsea McBride: I don't know why anyone would buy a more expensive, dedicated stroke coach, when this apk does what I need for free/fraction of the cost. My single scull days are much more informed with this, even more so with being able to view the data logs after the fact.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-03-17

  • A Google user: Love the apks. I use it every time when I'm OC's.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-11-24

  • Mitchell Compton II: This apk has really created the erg c2 pm3 even better ... I really have fun using the erg for cross training and this apk has helped me push harder with a more consistent stroke... The developer has been really responsive and clearly answered my questions...its worth the cash to me... It syncs my workouts to the c2 website and now the polar h7 hrm works with the erg...
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-03-10

  • Aamer Khan: The upgrades are worth the cash. Very simple to tool a workout. Want I should rate it 10 stars.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-03-26

  • Pat Armstrong: Very helpful. Use it regularly.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-02-14

  • Dries De Maeyer: Good apk to connect to pm5 out of the box. Interface needs some work though.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-08-25

  • brian uptain: Outstanding and useful apk. Developer is good at following up and making tweaks to an already good apk.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-03-10

  • Cornel Osadsa: I use Boatcoach with a Coffey SimulatOar. The base apk is somewhat useful, but to really receive the maximum out of this apk, I suggest getting at least one of the bonus upgrades. What sets this apk apart from others is the display of info on time per 500m, stroke rate, number of strokes, time of day, length of workout by time and distance, etc.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-02-03

  • Stephen Plank: Slightly more details than an ergo for on the water rowers. I like the average of the latest 10 strokess feature.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-05-29

  • A Google user: I'm a rower with 35 years of experience, this apk has the features I need, rather water rowing or rowing machine.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-01-20

  • A Google user: I've tried this apk in a 20k outing and it worked brilliantly (I was stroking our club's 8-Yolle and it really helped me to have a feel of what the stroke rate could be!). Having the data exported to be later analysed is also a good thing. Haven't tried the "social" feature because not a lot of rowers know about this apk (yet!). Pity that the battery life on my smartphone is awful, otherwise this should actually replace a more expensive NK stroke counter! :)
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-11-15

  • Abraham Kannankeril: Clean interface, syncs with the Concept2 log ebook. Renewed my passion for rowing after I had fallen off the wagon.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-01-16

  • A Google user: I use this to convert my smartphone into a speed coach on the water, and to easily log my erg workouts. Good apk!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-03-29

  • Martyn Walmsley: BoatCoach has been my "goto" since I found the second-by-second data harvesting capability. For an Excel junkie, I'm in data heaven, though use Quickoffice Pro on my android device for all that good conditional formatting. The best erg apk for me.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-06-21

  • A Google user: Worked perfectly out of the box with virtually no setup needed. Locks onto my stroke rate even in rough water. The distance measurement seems almost 100% accurate (I measured versus a buoyed 2000m course). I've also been using the speed measurement to assist gauge my power application and the heart rate indicator to tell me when I'm in my aerobic and anaerobic zones. I haven't used the map function that much, but as more rowers begin using BoatCoach I expect this will be really cool for races. Overall, thanks, good apk!!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-05-04

  • Ondra Čermák: Super apk for rowers! I strongly suggest this.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-07-15

  • Tom Noonan: love it with my concept 2 pm4. good difference in the data output. good training programmes too
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-05-28

  • Rick Kranen: I love the programmable workouts and everything that Dan had place into it. He's a rower who KNOWS what rowers wish. Thank you Dan.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-04-03

  • A Google user: Fast responses to problems, all sorted and fixes already completed in a latest modernize. Hold up the awesome work!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-03-15

  • Carlos Saldarriaga: Good make batter to Concept2's ErgData. It's created by the same developer only it contains greater functionality. It can be used for on-water rowing although I only use it on my Model D with PM5. To use it you have to buy the Bluetooth PM5 connection make batter, although I would recommend just buy the Primary bundle (in-app make batter). With it you will be able to connect to the PM5, sync with Concept2's Logbook, use training tools (main reason to use it for me), and see graphs of your workout. You can also receive Heart Rate without the extra module if you pair your HRM to the PM5 instead of to the phone. I want it would contain Heart Rate Zones so you should do place training in the apk, instead of having to rely on other apk. While a tad expensive, overall I would suggest the apk for serious erging.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-06-19

  • James Hutchinson: Brilliant for training and organising training tools and very portable if your traveling. (Concept 2 rower).
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-06-26

  • A Google user: The only Apk on the Android device shop that both displays and log critical stroke data for post analysis. Being a rower himself, Dan the developer is the without a doubt the most responsive Apk developer I have ever contacted.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-05-21

  • Karen Gress: works good; used this all summer and it performs just as well, if not better, than my old impeller driven nk. Only problem is that I had to fiddle with where I place it in my boat because my rigger interfered with the gps signal. This has nothing to do with the apk itself. Just ordered the adapter kit from C2 so I can use it with the erg and replace my dying PM screen. Irony is that, at the beginning of the season latest spring, I was willing to plunk down $50 for the NK apk until I found out that they only had it for iphone, so I went searching on google play and found this. Am soooo glad I did.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-11-29

  • Gayle Sticher: apk compared well with purpose built coaching monitor.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-06-09

  • Steven Fox: Unbelievable apk and good help from the developer.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-06-23

  • Luis Prado: I love this apk and dual features (water and erg) I have the cradle for the NK instruments and makes it easier when my impeller based speedcoach can't be used. I use it simultaneously too to calibrate, and log separately my sessions. the parameters on the erg dashboard are very useful if you are into psychotic monitoring or coaching.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-07-20


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