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For Android: Varies with device Guide: Boating US&Canada HD cheats tutorial
When updated: 2018-03-05 Star Rating: 4
Name: Boating US&Canada HD hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: Navionics File Name: it.navionics.singleAppUsaCanadaHD
Current Version: Varies with device User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 1000-5000 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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About the application:

The world’s #1 Boating apk! A favorite among cruisers, anglers, sailors, and divers. This ver has a smartphone optimized interface. Search the same detailed charts and advanced features as on the best GPS plotters. This apk contains the Navionics+ subscription. To subscribe for another places, tap Menu>Charts>Add Region. Alternatively, a gratis ver is also accessible on the shop that offers primary features, and you can make batter to Navionics+ In-App. NAVIONICS+ contains:√ Download of chart layers:- NAUTICAL CHART: The essential cartographic reference based on Hydrographic Office data, Notices to Mariners, fresh publications, our own surveys, and reports from players. It provides port plans, security depth contours, marine services details, tides & currents, navigation aids and more. - SONARCHART™: The award-winning 1 ft/0.5m HD bathymetry map that reflects ever-changing conditions. You can enhance this chart by sharing your logs! √ COMMUNITY EDITS: Notices added by mobile players (rocks, wrecks, etc.) and shared for all to benefit.√ DAILY CHART UPDATES: More than 2,000 updates created every day! Go to Menu>Update All!√ DOCK-TO-DOCK AUTOROUTING: Quickly creates detailed routes, even through narrow waterways and channels, based on chart data and navigation aids. POIs are automatically shown nearby your destination.√ NAVIGATION MODULE: Allows for advanced route planning with ETA, distance to arrival, heading to WP, fuel consumption and more!√ ADVANCED MAP OPTIONS: Overlay Satellite/Terrain imagery, highlight Shallow Places, filter Depth Contours and enable a target Fishing Range.√ PLOTTER SYNC: – owners of compatible Raymarine, Lowrance, Simrad and B&G plotters can transfer routes and markers, modernize charts, and activate or renew subscriptions of eligible plotter cards . Raymarine players can also automatically upload sonar logs from their plotter to improve SonarChart™! √ WEATHER & TIDES: Access real-time weather data, everyday and hourly forecasts, and receive wind, weather buoys, tides and currents overlaid on your map. Buoy data from NOAA can contain wind speed, gust and direction as well as air pressure, water temperature, wave height and another relevant marine data.√ TIMELINE: View your track histories including pictures taken while tracking, POIs and Navionics panoramic photos.Navionics+ is a one-year subscription. Go to Menu>Download Map to receive detailed maps of specific places. Renew your subscription with a discount of up to 50%. If you don’t renew, you can still use previously downloaded maps, along with a few gratis features such as TRACK, ROUTE, DISTANCE, MARKERS, WIND FORECASTS, MAP OPTIONS, SYNC my DATA, MAGAZINES & GUIDES, and GOVT CHART in US. Plus, have fun SONARCHART™ LIVE to make private 1 ft/0.5 m HD bathymetry maps, that display in true time while navigating. Upload your sonar logs to build even better local charts for your place connecting wirelessly to a compatible sonar/plotter.COVERAGEDoes not contain Bermuda, which can be found on Boating Caribbean & South America. Visit navionics.com for the lake list.Have a plotter card? If the registered chart card of your device has expired, you can order a fresh one directly from this apk at up to 50% off! Go to Menu>Charts.The apk is specifically designed to load and operate on devices with an OS of 4.1 or higher: check the compatibility of your device at navionics.com/support/compatibility-guides. We cannot guarantee flawless operation or provide help for non-certified devices. ALL SALES ARE FINAL on Google Play.

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Changes in Boating US&Canada HD:
> More options to review your tracks! - Timeline: see all your pictures taken while tracking, POIs and Navionics panoramic photos - Records: compare your stats - Summary: sort all your tracks by seasons, months, weeks, or days Go to Menu > Tracks > Bug fixing and optimization
Download apk from Google Play

Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • Steven Spencer: Works for me Used it exclusively to sail from Smiths Falls to Lake Ontario, Fresh York side to Montreal to Ottawa back to Smiths Falls. Use to use a Garmin 60 c and it died the replacement would have been $700 it is now swiming with the fishes. Bottom line is how acurate is your device's gps or how accurate do you need? My Tab 8 is about one boat length acurate (26') As for water profing I use a high end freezer bag.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-10-13

  • I was skeptical to purchase this apk as my older Raymarine "Navionics" unit is not good. Much to do with the brightness and detail of charts. I have this full apk running on my Galaxy Tab, and Samsung S6, charts are bright, quick loading and extremely sharp. Detail is suitable for retail such as me. I appreciate that Navionics allows us to use the same license on related Android device troops. I really like that the tool syncs between devices immediately (internet connection). One of the most innovative features is the Automatic Route, where you can choose a POI, a tag, or a put on the chart and the tool will workout the quickest route based upon the settings of your boat. Kudos! A tweak that I would like to see in the auto route is a setting to provide more room for those close depths/widths. Other tweak I would like to see is an easier method to enter Marks/routes/anchorages. I d would also like to sync favorites as it syncs routes, marks and tracks. Perfect tool! UPDATE: Very satisfied, the following should use attention. boat settings defaults to Powerboat, we choose Sail. Automatic route selects caution places when safer deep channel is only 100 yards away.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-08-28

  • craig lewis: Love fresh sounding details. Updated very often! Good Ap for depths and tide details.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-04-13

  • Mike Brassard: The only gps i use. It is hard to trust that people are still paying $500- $3000 for a gps when they can place this good apk on their smartphone for $50. I saw a few awful reviews from people who did not check if the apk was compatible B4 downloading. I guess navionics should be more ethical with their refund policy. For myself, this is the best apk there is period. It is worth buying a smartphone even if you never use it for anything another then this apk! Your device must have gps capability, but you dont need data.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-05-23

  • TwoTrolls InOregon: Best chart apk around Highly suggested. But don't rely on it. Paper charts will always be better and more reliable. Awesome for planning ahead and secure short sailing. Please don't depend on this apk when on unknown waters or long excursions. For your own security and others'.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-03-31

  • Dave Mac: Good tool Have it on the iPhone and along with orbot to DL and purchase for the nexus 7 runs excellent. Remarkable value w.r.t cost.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-04-28

  • Greg Sebastien: Life Saver! This apk has literally saved my life by allowing me to track my method back to dock! Best apk and must have for anyone who explores Canadian Northern Lakes
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-06-13

  • Douglas Woods: CBYC race marks Within 2 weeks of the marks being deployed they were accessible on your carts.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-05-17

  • Andrew Doucet: Used this apk to navigate the Cambridge narrows was spot on and created our trip simple and stress gratis very accurate to my depth searcher and buoy places well worth the cash
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-07-23

  • Dimo Ivanov: Good apk! Very useful apk. Perfectly complements the chart plotter, much easier to carry around than the plotter. The UGC is very helpful as well
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-04-22

  • A Google User: Good apk but... Navionics is very awesome at 'revising the apk but changing the name.. thus requiring you to buy the fresh ver for updates or reinstall. This apk used to be 9.98
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-06-16

  • Robert Barnes: Best nautical maps for the price.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-04-24

  • Mike Brassard: Good apk. Good apk. I often use it instead of my chartplotter. No need to waste $1000 on a fancy gps.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-06-03

  • Peter Van Schenck: Love this apk... or rather the outstanding chart detail. I have used others charts before finding Navionics! Love charts, info, and Bath charts, good for fishing and exploring fresh coves... Receive it, you'll love it too! Good choice of Worldwide charts...
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-04-28

  • Rick Duval: Maps are decent but you can't save routes?!? - UPDATED I spend time creating a route for one days travel then save it. Go to make a route for day 2 and it replaces the first one! Come on, gigs of storage and I can't save a couple of routes? This needs fixing. Can't return the product since it's been more than 15 mins. It took longer than that to download the apk and the maps. This is not Fair amount of time to judge an apk like this and one this expensive. UPDATE: Apparently I just didn't know that the tool automatically archives the routes, as Navionics replied. I would recommend that the tool could create that more easily understood. ie; When I "Save" a route, it could ask for a name and give me a pop-up window saying "Saved to Archive, See all Routes under "Menu->Archive->Routes". I've updated my rating to 4 stars at the moment until I spend a tiny more time with it, I may go to 5 stars. I still think that 15 mins is not enough time to evaluate a apk like this though but that might be a time limit set by the apk shop.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2014-05-21

  • Beverly W: Good apk We really enjoyed the apk when we traveled with our boat up to Alaska and touring the inside passage as far as Glacier Bay. The only trouble we encountered was the tides and currents were opposite than our Chartplotter.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2014-03-13

  • Nick Oliver: Perfect value for marine charts. Easy but well executed marine charts with heading, speed and waypoints. Not a fully featured navigation application, but also not hundreds of $'s either.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2013-11-07

  • Downloaded this apk to my smartphone since I was going to be using a buddies boat and he did not have a GPS installed. I place my smartphone in one of those waterproof bags created for electronics and along with his cheap fish-finder, we were good-to-go. One major thing I found missing, that would be on a "true" GPS unit, was a specific "Tag" button. I kept thinking that there must be an easier method to add a tag. I'm in the habit of hitting the "Tag" button on my Humminbird when I hit a fish, especially when fishing fresh places, to determine where fish maybe holding to structure. On my unit it automatically applies a label with a number and the numbers increment by one each time or you can change the label. It took me quite some time on the water with this apk just to figure out how to add a tag. Once I finally figured that out, it was not an simple process to do it quickly. Because it takes as much time as it did, I often had to land the fish first, then test to add the tag and by that time I was quite a distance from when the fish hit. Seems like an instant "Tag" button (pushpin shaped!) would be an simple thing to add. Otherwise, it worked very well!
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-10-10

  • A Google User: Good Apk Bought it to use on Lake of the Woods, works good, as accurate as can be expected. Used it beside my gaps combo unit and it was bang on. Will use it as a stand alone chartploter.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2012-09-23

  • A Google User: Unbelievable Works good on xoom! Quick and acurate. Only want it had a "track up"
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2012-08-06

  • Awesome But I'd give it a 5 if it had a track up feature. Please consider.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2014-07-28

  • Rudy Witt: I like the look and feel of the apk but I would really like to see the ability to edit routes on the android device ver. I'd also appreciate a course up mode when underway.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2014-07-25

  • Bruce Kennedy: Navionics Very awesome
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2015-09-23

  • Dave Critchley: maverick Good apk. it would be better if you should edit a route by dragging the waypoints though.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2014-08-24

  • G. Macfarlane: Perfect tho' very primary navigation pack. Works well for primary position on chart navigation (using Asus transformer) and at a fraction of the cost of a similarly sized chart plotter. You can't import/export routes, tracks, waypoints etc. like on dedicated Gps troops.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2013-06-08

  • Alex Wetmore: Not as awesome as iOS Nice charts, buy it doesn't use the full resolution of my Nexus 7 (looks like they render at 800x480, then scale up) which makes the charts look grainy. This is disappointing since they are vector charts. Doesn't have the plugins of iOS, so you can do more advanced routing. Would be nice if it had a primary dashboard on the top with SOG/COG, time, VMG, etc. Overall a awesome backup for my chart plotter, but not a awesome replacement for it.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2013-06-26

  • Peter Berkley: Not awesome as iPad ver Awesome but less features, and less detail than iPad ver of same apk. No better than non hd ver that I can see. Mates have iPad and anchorages present a lot of more depth contour lines. When will the android device ver be worth the cash?
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2013-06-25

  • Gary Soward: Keeps showing my subscription expired! I use this apk on two various devices and it keeps showing that the subscription expired on one of them. And it doesn't yet have Doc to Doc routing!
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2016-09-17

  • A Google User: Almost There Not a awful apk for general navigation of you are going from a to b. Leaves something to be desired in terms of creek and river names and another points noted in DFO fishing regulations. The level of detail on the bottom really isn't very awesome compared with the same standard paper charts that have been around for decades. The another problem is I couldn't search a method to add or modify a method point entering coordinates. I should only tap on the screen. So to tag out a closure or no go place is nearly impossible. Sure beats the old Garmin handheld though!
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2012-06-19

  • Ed Starboard: Buggy Update...synching data seemed to be the final fix. Working well now. Not crashing any more as reported below............... Still crashing when zooming out. Tried everything, cleard cache, freed ram, used the +,- to zoom, used pinch to zoom, zoomed in little increments, zoomed in really big increments...always locks up and then crashes after about 5 zooms. This renders the ap useless.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2016-06-24

  • Bogdan Lupas: The application is method betther on iPad. I got the fresh modernize ... nothing fresh really. Come on guyssssss do something for Android device too. You create me buy an ipad, and i hate apple.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2014-10-30

  • Jacob Kukkola: Awesome apk. Used it from Prince Rupert British Columbia to Newport Oregon... about 1500 miles. I only have one complaint, but is a rather really big one... there is no function or option to constantly display your current lat/lon. The only method to display your position is to push and keep the screen,and even then unless you are zoomed all the method in you don't receive a precise reading. This is an essential function on any plotter and would create this apk a 5 and worth every penny.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2015-06-16

  • A Google User: Not good Does not work like they say for editing wayponints.. Beautiful dumb down tool if you ask me..
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2012-07-18

  • Robert Erickson: Fair at best. This is he first tool I have ever rated. Good maps , but where is the latitude and longitude displayed. And unlike the Apple ver this asks for fuel useage and then doesn't do anything with the info. If you have seen, or used this tool on an I-pad you will be disappointed with the Android device ver. I suggest not buying this tool as it isn't worth the cash!
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2013-08-20

  • Darren Bentow: Android device note 4 awful zoom Can not zoom in close enough to use properly. For $55.00 it could be able to zoom in much closer.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2015-01-27

  • Nick Schafer: Receive it together Navionics! I have Navionics on my smartphone and HD ver on my smartphone both paid Android device versions. When is Navionics going to create it a priority to make batter the Android device ver to the same functionality as the Apple ver? According to tech help they have been working on some mysterious make batter since I bought the tool mid-2013 and at the time didn't know the Andriod version's lack of significant functionality including paid upgrades to the tool touted by Navionics compared to the Apple ver. GET IT TOGETHER Navionics I wish to like you. I can not suggest the Android device ver.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2014-01-18

  • A Google User: Ripped off. I had the previous ver of navionics on my lenovo k1. After an ICS modernize I should no longer download the apk as it was "not compatible". I called navionics directly and they said I would need to download the improved "HD" ver and that they would problem a refund. So I paid the $50 and installed the fresh ver. After sending navionics the bill from the play shop they changed their tune. They have now said that they will only cover the difference between the old apk and the fresh apk. But wait....I already paid for the old apk. So now I'm paying twice. Not to mention there is no difference between the old apk and the hd apk. And to boot their smartphone service is rude
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2012-08-32

  • Heritic Shmifd: Won't uninstall after 2 min trial Wireless connection. Required....not awesome for remote places
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2014-09-15

  • Paul Nielsen: Input / Output error I uninstall the apk and reinstall and hold getting"input/output error" How can I resolve this? I wish to use the apk.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2015-06-20


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