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For Android: 4.1 and up Guide: Captain Lazy eye cheats tutorial
When updated: 2020-07-30 Star Rating: 2.4
Name: Captain Lazy eye hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: Ideabus Technology Limited Liability Co., Ltd File Name: com.ideabus.heroeyesall
Current Version: 2.0 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 50-67 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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Captain Lazy eye Gameplay, Trailers and Related Videos

Watch "Captain LazyEye" APP for iPAD Promotion video By IdeaBus video.

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Watch Advanced Treatment for Lazy Eye (Amblyopia) | Wow Vision Therapy video.

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Watch Exercises for a lazy eye (strabismus) video.

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Watch YCH: iPad Lazy Eye Study video.

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Watch Lazy Eye: Going Dark to Restore Vision video.

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Watch Flicker Glitter and Jolene - Animation for children about Amblyopia (Lazy Eye) video.

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Watch Researchers Use Tetris to Treat 'Lazy Eye' video.

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Watch Can an iPad Game Help Treat Lazy Eye in Children? video.

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Watch Lazy eye in children | Ambylopia - Dr. Anupama Kumar video.

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Watch Games and Movies for Lazy Eye video.

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About the application:

In cooperation with ophthalmologists with experience in successful amblyopic treatment, the first Android device Apk designed to help in keeping vision acuity and assisting in amblyopic correction [Captain Lazy eye] has been created! That overall out of 100 people there are 1 to 4 people who are amblyopic. That in regions with poorer medical care that the rate is even higher! We’ve invited a former Ophthalmology department director of both Changhua Christian Hospital and Chungshan Medical University in Taiwan, Dr. Sharon Chuang, for her career-spanning experience in successfully treating amblyopic kids in order to design a tool specially for assisting vision correction for these children. Between the ages 3 to 8, it is the excellent time for treatment of amblyopia. After this golden period, nerves in the eye start to mature, and correction thereafter becomes increasingly difficult. That’s why if there’s a history of severe nearsightedness or astigmatism, it’s best to bring your kids to a physician to check his/her eyesight as soon as possible. Correction of amblyopia usually involves tedious and repetitive coordinative exercise, such as navigating a maze on paper, drawing lines on paper, etc. The blandness of such exercises is the basic reason that kids become resentful or even express refusal to cooperate in the treatment! The Apk turns amblyopic correctional exercises into fun and interesting mini games, assisting them with fascinating themes like pirates and princesses, enticing the kids to perform the important occlusion for the training and ultimately making true correctional progress. Recovery of vision from amblyopia does not happen overnight, nor is there a shortcut. This is precisely why active participation of those who need it is vital. Feature of Captain Lazy eye: 1.It 's a labor of love in cooperation with doctors experienced in treatment of amblyopic specifically designed to assist improve patient vision. 2.Makes training into fun and interesting mini games, increasing willingness to participate in correction. 3.Records the everyday performed exercises and correctional results, providing a better picture for physicians and parents for assessment of progress. 4.Puts training results into easily to view charts. 5.Includes six categories of training, with enriched content that children won’t receive tired of easily. ■The training exercises included in this tool are: 1.Rotating grating Vision is stimulated by looking at objects through gratings of various thickness and spacing. 2.Color-Light training The different colors and shades stimulate the visual nerves. 3.Eyeball muscle exercise The frequent change of focal point gives eyeball muscles a workout. 4..Hidden object recognition Eyes receive trained to recognize specific objects in a visually distractive background. 5.Color sensitivity training The recognition of a specific color from a selection of similarly shaded colors is trained. 6. Eye-hand Coordination This exercises combines spatial and visual acuity in training to control visual muscles. Hurry and receive your Apk on! Let your kids to do exercises that are awesome for the eyes in a home environment! It’s saves you time and cash from having to go to a physician for treatment. Important: This tool is meant to be used under the guidance of and regular return visits to your physician. You could also enter the results of periodic doctor visits into a function provided in the apk for you to more easily track treatment progress. Promotion video URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfQXmc54KaA

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