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For Android: 6.0 and up Guide: Checkmate Patterns Pro cheats tutorial
When updated: 2022-05-16 Star Rating: 0
Name: Checkmate Patterns Pro hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: Yernar Shambayev File Name: com.yernar.pattpro
Current Version: 1.0.2 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 5-5 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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Watch 6 Checkmate Patterns YOU MUST KNOW video.

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Watch 4 MOVE CHECKMATE: Best Chess Trap for Beginners (Wayward Queen) video.

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Watch Checkmate Patterns video.

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Watch EASY Rook Checkmate! video.

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Watch The Top 10 Fastest Checkmates To Win At Chess video.

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About the application:

In chess, a few checkmate patterns occur frequently enough to have acquired specific names in chess commentary. With this application you can solve thousands of checkmate puzzles grouped by theme (Anastasia's friend, Arabian friend, Back-rank friend, Boden's friend, Double bishop friend, Dovetail friend, Hook friend, Smothered friend). Also you can select various types of boards and chess pieces. In Anastasia's friend, a knight and rook squad up to trap the opposing lord between the side of the board on one side and a friendly piece on the other. In the Arabian friend, the knight and the rook squad up to trap the opposing lord on a corner of the board. The rook sits on a square adjacent to the lord while the knight sits two squares away diagonally from the king. The back-rank friend occurs when a rook or queen checkmates a lord that is blocked in by its own pieces (usually pawns) on the first or eighth rank. Boden's friend involves two attacking bishops on criss-crossing diagonals delivering checkmate to a lord obstructed by friendly pieces, usually a rook and a pawn. The double bishop friend is a classic way of checkmating. It is related to Boden's friend, but the two bishops are placed on parallel diagonals. The escape squares are occupied or controlled by opponent pieces. The dovetail friend (also known as Cozio's friend) involves trapping the black lord in the pattern shown. It does not matter how the queen is supported and it does not matter which kind Black's another two pieces are so long as neither is an unpinned knight. The hook friend involves the use of a rook, knight, and pawn along with one opponent pawn to limit the opponent king's escape. The rook is protected by the knight, and the knight is protected by the pawn, while the pawn also attacks one of the opponent king's escape squares. Smothered friend occurs when a knight checkmates a lord that is smothered (surrounded) by his friendly pieces and he has nowhere to move nor is there any method to capture the knight.

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