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For Android: 2.2 and up Guide: ContactSync - CardDAV and more cheats tutorial
When updated: 2020-06-26 Star Rating: 4.81
Name: ContactSync - CardDAV and more hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: Calendar/Task/Contact Sync Mobile File Name: com.vcard.android
Current Version: 10.0 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 1000-4392 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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ContactSync - CardDAV and more related image

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ContactSync - CardDAV and more related image

Watch Can Google Gmail Contacts be imported into iPhone? video.

ContactSync - CardDAV and more related image

Watch How to Transfer Contacts from Android to iPhone video.

ContactSync - CardDAV and more related image

Watch NextCloud / Android Contacts and Calendar Sync video.

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About the application:

ContactSync is an Android device apk which allows you to sync your Android device contacts with CardDAV, FTP, HTTP, WebDAV servers, Cloudstorage (e.g. Google Drive), or local files (stored on the device or e.g. as a mail attachment). There are also a lot of extra features accessible. All this can also be done independent from the Google services. Do you wish to check out the apk for gratis? You can try the apk and all its features without any limitations by installing this gratis unique try ver here:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vcard.android.free You also can buy the apk directly from me, here I can offer you extra payment options (e.g. PayPal). For more info simply write me a mail or take a look at the apk website. You would like to access the next major modernize bringing a novel player interface, fresh features, and guidance/support system? Then check out the begin beta try here: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.vcard.android Features: •Comprehensive help - Questions or recommendations? Simply write me a mail. •Syncs with a lot of various sources - CardDAV, WebDAV, FTP, HTTP, Cloudstorage, Local files, Mail attachments and a lot of more (Of course, it also supports encryption and two method sync) •Complex configuration? No worries, the apk tutorials you through all the steps •Manage your address ebooks and make backups with just a few steps •Flexibility - There are already contacts/groups stored on the device which could be pushed to the server? You need individual sync intervals for each of your contact data sources? No worries, this is possible! •Designed for high speed address ebook synchronization •Seamless integration with your device and your preferred contact apps •Secure: All the sensitive info are encrypted before they are stored •No secrets, you can - if you want - always see what is event and why. •Supports complex address ebooks situations, servers and clients •Supporting vCards (contacts/groups) in all accessible versions (4.0, 3.0 and 2.1). •Supports self-signed certificates •Can make calendar entries for birthdays, anniversaries and another events •Unique solutions for a dozens of challenges. You have unique requirements? Then the apk is your solution. •New device? Simply export\backup your configuration and import it on the fresh device •Multilingual: Supports English, German, French, Russian If you are interested in translating the apk then simply send me a mail. Interesting features for large-scale orders: •Setup and configure your server connections through adb •Licensing for large-scale orders The apk handles more contact/group data then another apks e.g.: address, birthdays, anniversaries, custom happenings, categories, groups, notes, email, instant messages, name, nickname, organizations, images (also high res), relations, phonetic names, sites, roles, titles, Apple specific extensions, Mime dir groups, Android device specific extensions, self defined custom labels, favorite contacts The apk has been successfully inspected with more then 30 various CardDAV Servers like Apple iCloud, Marketcircle Daylight, Fruux, or Owncloud. You can search a list here:http://ntbab.dyndns.org/apache2-default/seite/carddavproviderCE.html Permissions: You can search detailed info to the permissions at my website. If you mention any issues please contact me at [email protected]. If you add issues to to comments I can NOT assist you because I need some info about your configuration and so on. I'm sure that I can assist you to reach your goals and that I can provide the important help :)

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ContactSync - CardDAV and more hack free android guides videoreviews photos and help from pro players.
Changes in ContactSync - CardDAV and more:
If you mention any problems please contact me at [email protected]. I&#39;m sure that I can help you to reach your goals and that I can provide the necessary support :)<br><br>Improved detailed sync statistics display and configuration editing
Download apk from Google Play

Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • Francesco Grassini: It does what it says and the developer was most friendly helping me to configure my yahoo acc. The idea of a trial ver to check if it works is good. Even if it is cheap it is always nice to be able to check if it works for me... And this was the method I explore a developer that reply questions and provide help promptly.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-08-10

  • Dave Heston: My fresh smartphone was unable to synchronize Google Contacts (it's actually missing a system file and I didn't wish to root it), but this does the job for me just as well -- or probably even better, because it's far more configurable. Thanks, it's a lifesaver!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-09-12

  • John Martorana: Love this apk - excellent for Owncloud. Very helpful folks too! Highly suggest!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-10-02

  • A Google user: I love it.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-01-03

  • Chris Bennett: I am syncing my smartphone to my owncloud server and this apk does it perfectly, including groups, images, and all another fields. There was an problem similar to handling contacts that have an Organization but no Name and the creator of this tool literally provided a fix in half an hour. Now that is better service than you'll ever receive from a professional assist desk! Constructive criticism: The interface is not beautiful and should use a face lift. A setup magician for famous sync targets would be very helpful.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-03-18

  • A. Quack: Sehr hilfreiche Apk. Es werden auch meine Kontakte aus einer DaviCal-Installation mit meinem Android device aktualisiert. Der Help antwortet zügig auf meine Fragen. Danke
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-01-02

  • A Google user: Best sync solution found so far! We use it with egroupware and client certificates! The help of the developer is also perfect!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-01-18

  • Mark Verboom: Syncing my contacts with a owncloud installation. Had some issues at first, but the developer fixed them very quickly. Works like a charm! Good help!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-03-20

  • Torge Schmidt: Works well with my own CardDav Server. Had some problems displaying birthdays of contacts, but it turned out to be a trouble of the contact-app, not ContactSync. The help of the creators is quick and helpful, therefore I give 5/5 Stars.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-10-09

  • Simon Haywood: Works as advertised, and good help from the developer. Thanks!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-11-07

  • Kiki: Perfect apk and perfect help from the developer. Keeps my contacts in sync with my CardDAV server and works where related apks failed.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-11-22

  • Tim Legg: I researched for hours to test to receive my google contacts into my galaxy s3. Then I came upon this apk. Along with the work around apk, it worked perfectly! Went to the vCard file on my smartphone, chosen it to be opened with this apk, and parsed the files. Now I finally have all of my google contacts in my smartphone contacts. Thank you so much! Awesome work!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-03-21

  • Harvey Braun: This apk is doing exactly what I need it to do and without any glitches so far. CardDav sync is what I am using it for currently and have found it very reliable. Help has been perfect and quick as well for a vcard sync glitch I was having with the mail server. Highly suggested
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-01-15

  • Andrew Livingston: Had an problem with contacts on my Kerio Connect server not being synchronized and contacted the developer. She had it solved and me up and running in less than an hour.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-04-24

  • Mark Spencer: Finally one vcf import program that works!!! I was using mobilego which asked me $29/year just to hold the contacts! After uninstall of mobilego it erased my vcf data. This program is one-time process and absolutely worth the price. It's very cheap. Help from developer Annemarie was good, she did everything to assist me to import the contacts (I was using really big file). Receive it now!!!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-12-02

  • Robin Ball: Had a tiny problem with a configuration, thought I'd send a mail.... very fast response! My error now fixed, me:happy!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-01-22

  • Hector G.: I downloaded this apk without much hope that it would do what I wanted. Boy was I wrong. It did everything I wanted and more. I wish to thank Annemarie for her assist. She even helped me track down an error on my owncloud server. I received customer help less than 5 mins after I sent the initial email and on a Saturday on top of that. Now I can two method sync my contacts even with high res pics. Its good!!! Hold up the awesome work!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-03-31

  • tony pateman: good help really helpful and the apk works well
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-11-05

  • Mathis Koblin: Good help! I got immediate response and within days a custom fix for mapping phonetic name fields. The apk itself is a bit more complex than others but the best I have found for syncing my contacts.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-03-02

  • A Google user: I wanted to use this application with my current contact ebook (abook) on my Debian box. However when I imported the contacts, there were no details in the address ebook. I wrote to the developer, and got a answer a short while after. After some more emailing we found a solution to the tool (which was updating the source code for my contact ebook on my debian box, and compiling it once more). After this, it worked flawlessly! Good help, good apk! Thanks! /Jobbe
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-01-21

  • A Google user: i use it to sync via carddav with my baikal server. synced all info of the contacts, no encoding issues etc. In a unique case with more than 100 numbers for one contact the apk did not work, the developer fixed it the same day ... didnt expect a fix at all because it was a very very unique case. so very awesome help!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-09-05

  • Egor Pravilov: Annemarie has been with me till the end of my problem caused by Daylite carddav. I appreciate this help and this is how customers could be treated. Good apk, lots of features, highly suggest.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-02-07

  • Hans Henderson: Actual help on complex problems when required, very rare these days and most appreciated!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-09-07

  • Andreas Schmitz: Das Program funktioniert zuverlässig und tut genau, was es soll. Für mich persönlich fight die configuration intuitiv. Ich benutze es nun schon länger und hatte bislang nur einmal, vor kurzem, Sync Probleme. Nach Übersendung des logfiles (über die Apk) erhielt ich quick sofort eine Antwort mit Hilfeunterstützung. Nach Installation einer anderen Ver funktionierte der Sync wieder. Das Trouble lag auf der Seite meines E-Mail Providers. Ich bin absolut zufrieden mit dem Program und dem freundlichen und schnellen tollen Service.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-11-24

  • Oliver L-pqqp: the apk performed a dysfunctional backup + restore, slowed down until the google play refund time passed. contact group data were not restored. would ask for refund if i should.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2014-06-15

  • Eir Apps: WARNING! Your contact data (possibly ALL CONTACT DATA!) is included in the log files you send to the developer! That is much more than "some info about your configuration" as stated in the apk description. Also, the apk stopped working for me, and I cannot receive any assist, because in order to receive assist, I need to share my contact data with the developer.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2015-11-11

  • Stamatis Zarifakis: Had a trouble after updating to KitKat. Got it solved with assist from developer within a day. Without data loss! Now everything works once more flawlessly. Good Apk. Good help.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-12-05


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