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For Android: 2.3 and up Guide: Cosplanner cheats tutorial
When updated: 2019-06-19 Star Rating: 4.566273
Name: Cosplanner hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: Cato Kusanagi File Name: com.catokusanagi.apps.android.cosplanner
Current Version: 2.3.2 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 100000- Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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Cosplanner Gameplay, Trailers and Related Videos

Watch Cosplay Finds #1: Cosplanner App video.

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Watch How to Choose a Character to Cosplay (ft. Cosplanner) video.

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Watch Cosplay Basics || Organizing and planning your Cosplay ⚜ Sayuri Shinichi video.

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Watch COSPLANNER: AN APP FOR COSPLAYERS | Using Your Noodle video.

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Watch Sono tornata ! Cosplanner 2019 video.

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Watch Organize seu cosplay - Cosplanner Review (PT-BR) video.

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Watch your resident nerd's guide to planning cosplays or something video.

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Watch Top 4 Quick and Easy Cosplay Organization Tips video.

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Watch 5 Tips for entering a Cosplay Competition video.

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About the application:

Make and manage all your cosplays with Cosplanner. You'll know the progress percentage of them in each moment, save reference photos of the hero, know the total cost and time you've invested in making each of its elements and the time lapse of your project. When you finish it you'll be able to do even more! Log happenings where you will wear it, territories, image shoots, achievements and its best pictures! Do you know what has been your most expensive cosplay? Or the cheapest? What number of images you have of them? Or which one has been worn in more happenings? Cosplanner will assist you to track this details, so, you'll be able to decide what's the next cosplay to wear, or which of them is missing a awesome image shoot Download Cosplanner now for gratis and test it on your Android device powered device *All heroes shown in the screenshots are property of their respective authors, their use herein is for illustrative purposes only

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Changes in Cosplanner:
- New language: Portuguese (Brazil)<br>- New language: Turkish<br>- New language: Indonesian<br><br>Thanks for your comments! Don&#39;t forget to create your account for free in our web app at http://www.cosplanner.net
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Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • A Google User: Good I absolutely love everything about this apk, I'm organized for all my cosplays and I would suggest this apk to anyone that has a hard time getting a cosplay ready because they're unorganized or can't really hold track of their items and what to do first.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-03-29

  • A Google User: It's good! I love this apk it's helpful for cosplayers like me!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-06-08

  • A Google User: awesome apk! Good apk but I want you should create an acc so we can switch phones without having to create it all once more.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-04-04

  • A Google User: &lt;3 Must have for cosplayers. Gives you statistics on time invested and costs. Hard to look at sometimes but awesome to know. And hey instant cosplay check list before con!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-02-11

  • McThiccen: Exceptionally Simple To Use, No Lag I love this apk! It is so simple to navigate, and it is exactly what I have been looking for to organize my cosplays. :)
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-08-16

  • A Google User: Incredibly helpful I want there was a method to add the elements before officially starting a project. I would like to add more than just reference photos as I pick what to begin next. That said, it's incredibly helpful when planning projects. I budget based on cost per use rather than total price so getting to plan out the happenings is an perfect feature.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-03-09

  • A Google User: Simple to use Every thing is easy and useful. Just what I like in a planner.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-11-05

  • A Google User: Good for Cosplayers I search this program very useful. It makes it so much easier to plan my cosplays and hold track of the progress.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-10-16

  • Amy Nault: This is really helpful for organizing info about my cosplays and their current status. Here are the pros and cons: Pros: - Easy-to-use interface - Has separate tabs for supplies, a to-do list, reference images, and in-progress images - More features (like a best images tab) appear after the cosplay is completed - Sortable list of cosplays by status (planned, in-progress, or complete), completion percentage, budget, due date, and more - Simple to track info like the budget or time spent working on a cosplay - Upgrades are beautiful inexpensive - Just generally helps me stay organized while working on cosplays Cons: - There's an intermittent glitch where clicking on a image thumbnail will bring you to the wrong image, which is a tiny annoying because you have to reset the apk to hopefully fix this, but it's not the end of the globe - This apk does not really sync with the Cosplanner site. It lets you manually export cosplays to the website and you can theoretically import cosplays from the website to the apk, but that only works if you have the site's subscription. This doesn't bother me too much because I discovered the apk before the website and so I basically just use the website to back up costumes in case my smartphone dies, but I can see how that should be really bothersome if you already have a bunch of cosplays on the Cosplanner site. So all in all, this is a good apk if you have fun making cosplays and wish to either be better organized or just be able to plan from your smartphone.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-10-21

  • Nixie Ennata: Really helpful to hold track of and organize progress of cosplays. Will create the process of creating a lot easier for me,I also like how it is detailed to the point of even being given the option to set reminders for yourself. There are a couple bugs such as glitches from time to time going through reference/progress images but really nothing that deserves losing a star over.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-04-04

  • A Google User: Good This apk has helped me so much while planning my attack my cosplay really good for keeping it all straight
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-10-28

  • A Google User: It's so much easier to organize what I have done and what needs to be done now.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-07-07

  • A Google User: I'm an unorganized person This helps me hold it together when it comes to the thing I love most-cosplay. I had it on my smartphone and little Android device smartphone, but it'd been a year since I updated either. I got a fresh smartphone and was satisfied to search some mods, like the feature to have a cosplan thats not been worked on yet. Gj creator, hold improving your mini game so I can improve mine.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-05-10

  • A Google User: Perfect!! Yes like some of the reviews say the photo quality isn't the best and it seems a tiny out dated, but otherwise I would highly suggest this apk to any cosplayer! I love to be organized, and this apk is excellent for keeping track of what still needs to be done/bought/made/ect with costumes and such, and they can be edited anytime. 5/5 stars I ❤ it to bits (sorry if I sound too excited I'm just really satisfied I found a awesome apk for keeping track of my cosplays)
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-05-18

  • A Google User: Just what I required! This apk is the best!Since I've been having a hard time keeping my cosplan list,this'll assist me track my progress!Its the best!!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-01-20

  • Silvia Soares Reid: Extremely handy and simple to use.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-03-28

  • Jenifer Leibrandt: A Godsend As a neuro divergent cosplayer, this apk is the best thing that's ever happened to my process. Keeping track of where I am in the work and what I have left to do is so much easier. Wholeheartedly suggest this to anyone and everyone who makes costumes
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-09-28

  • janbvn: This apk is AMAZINGGG. It really helps with organizing my cosplays and, to be honest, without it I probably wouldn't have been able to finish some of my cosplays in time XD
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-08-12

  • A Google User: Finally an apk for organising I've tried using some gallery apks to organise my cosplay reference and making tiny scattered lists for to do and what I plan to do. Finally having an apk to place all the info into a single simple to search put is unbelievable.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-07-15

  • Lucy Gilet: So useful for helping me organise my cosplays. Love it.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-12-24

  • A Google User: Very Helpful This apk is EXTREMELY helpful. Especially for people who have a hard time getting organized and staying on track. Really want I knew about this apk for Katsucon 2015. Would have saved me a ton of problem.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-08-25

  • Sara Sedrati: Life saver I required this apk in my life. My cosplay ideas all in one put x
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-10-31

  • Bubblestache: :D I use this alot!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-12-23

  • falling obeasity: This is helping so much! I used to be so unprganized but now i can see my progress!!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-12-20

  • A Google User: Best apk for a cosplayer! This apk is unbelievable! It's very helpful for holding all your references and checklists in one put
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-07-24

  • A Google User: Love this apk! I love this apk! It's not only a good method to hold organized, but also a good motivator! It's super fun to modernize, and simple to use.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-12-28

  • A Google User: Good! After my mind mapping, this is cosplayer's most need apk!!! Love it!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-01-05

  • A Google User: Good planning program IMHO this is a good program for planning, easy budgeting and progress tracking for cosplay and prop making. I'm looking forward to see how this program develop :-)
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-11-06

  • A Google User: Perfecto para organizar TODO!! Estoy empezando a usarlo y ya lo tengo lleno de todos los encargos que tengo para props y cosplay. Sinceramente no hay nada como tener la información de todo lo que se necesita al alcance del celular!! Incluso calcula el gasto de materiales comprados y tiene una base para tener separadas las imágenes de referencia por cada cosplay...100% RECOMENDADO! :D
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-10-21

  • A Google User: Good apk! I've been using it since 2015 to track my cosplays, I also got the Bonus ver and I can say I'm really happy about it! Unbelievable job, Cato Kusanagi! =^^=
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-04-16

  • A Google User: Must have for cosplayers! The best apk to organize my cosplans and the best apk to record my progress in my costumes~~
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-12-09

  • A Google User: So useful. Definitely helps organise and place things into perspective...
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-05-22

  • blueirisfox: I don't normally write reviews, but I think this apk deserves it. It's really helpful for keeping track of what cosplays you wish to do and how much progress you've created attaining it. 😊
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-01-20

  • Raven私は牛のよ: Excellent !!!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-11-05

  • Alyssa De Guzman: Recommendation! First of all good job this apk is super useful! May I recommend you create other apk that has related features but is a planner for more general tasks, like maybe a school or a work planner, since your UI is really helpful and efficient!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-11-28

  • Marianne Hooper: Excellent for my needs Simple to use and a good apk to assist me hold track of in-progress and planned costumes. When I need motivation I check out my completed projects. Love it!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-11-30

  • A Google User: Good Makes planning cosplays (or just Halloween costumes) SO much easier! Must have for any cosplayer.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-07-23

  • A Google User: Good! Already used it for a couple cosplays and it works good for keeping things organised
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-03-30

  • A Google User: This apk is good! My mate and I are doing Matt Holt and Pidge Gunderson cosplays for a local Terror Con coming in February, and this helped ALOT because we are VERY unorganized.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-11-17


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