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For Android: Varies with device Guide: EBPocket Professional cheats tutorial
When updated: 2019-09-25 Star Rating: 4.45
Name: EBPocket Professional hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: hishida File Name: info.ebstudio.ebpocket
Current Version: Varies with device User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 5000- Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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About the application:

EBPocket is dictionary viewer for EPWING standard. It is also possible to find for StarDict, Mdict dictionary. EPWING is one of the most common dictionary standard in Japan. EBPocket professional can perform a dozens of find methods, for example, incremental find, prefix find , suffix find, exact find, conditional find, and the compound find, etc. And, also supported on the photos and sound. EBPocket does not have a built-in dictionary. Please prepare a dictionary yourself. You can download the EDICT as a sample dictionary.

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EBPocket Professional screenshot EBPocket Professional screenshot EBPocket Professional screenshot
EBPocket Professional hack free android guides videoreviews photos and help from pro players.
Changes in EBPocket Professional:
1.44.0 2019/09/02<br>- ナイトモード<br>1.43.4 2019/06/12<br>- グループ編集・辞書検索パス指定の操作性の改善<br>1.43.3 2019/06/08<br>- アダプティブアイコン<br>1.43.2 2019/06/01<br>- 非EPWING(StarDict,MDict,PDIC,ユーザ辞書)のブックマーク登録<br>1.43.1 2019/01/14<br>- 読み上げ速度、音程の調整<br>1.43.0 2018/12/26<br>- Android6.0以降で初回インストール時起動しないbug修正<br>- 読書尚友連携強化<br>- 著作権表示修正<br>1.42.4 2018/04/02<br>- MDictの項目リンクで他の辞書が串刺し検索されないようにする<br>1.42.3 2018/02/16<br>- 検索語の途中のワイルドカード(後方一致インデックスを持つ辞書のみ)。<br>1.42.2 2018/01/15<br>- クリップボード検索で先頭項目を表示<br>1.42.1 2017/12/09<br>- アクセント記号無で検索のオプション化
Download apk from Google Play

Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • A Google user: Perfect apk. Fully functional searching and display of images, too. Pro ver well worth it.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2011-04-24

  • Sergey Kozhemyakin: Must have.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-04-16

  • lans fact: 1.有时会出现卡顿现象,应用在此时无法正常使用。2.在输入查询关键字的过程中偶尔会出现应用崩溃的问题。3.由于不支援 NHK 发音词典中音频文件的文件格式,所以造成了点击播放按钮却没有发出声音的问题(不能播放此格式音频文件)。最后,我所使用的操作系统版本为 Android device 4.2.2。
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-01-15

  • Ka-Chun Cheng: android9には動けない
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-12-04

  • Cheryan Glasgow: Love this apk. HTC 10, Android device 8.0, Dec 2017 patch. Recently crashed after I moved my dictionaries to a various place. I opened the apk and granted permission to Storage, went to settings and changed dictionary path. It crashed when I tried to look up a word. Tried to begin a lot of times, reinstalled, even changed dictionary path back but continued to crash on word lookup. If I denied permission to Storage then no crash but you can't look up anything without dictionaries. On a whim I went into the settings and changed Language from system to japanese and it solved the trouble. I was even able to switch back to system and it still works.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-05-21

  • A Google user: PDIC辞書が使えるのがすばらしいです.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-04-28

  • A Google user: With recent Dec 10 modernize, EB looks like it's working once more. Old review: Tool no longer closes as soon as it is invoked. Trying to understand difference between "dictionary" and "extensible dictionary" paths.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-12-13

  • A Google user: Very awesome if you have epwing format dictionaries which are accessible in Japan. Recent ver has a split pane interface which is good.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-02-22

  • Nate Townsend: I've been using this dictionary viewer for around five years on Windows and Windows Mobile systems, and it's been perfect. Mr. Hishida has made a unbelievable apk that's extremely useful for language learners, providing a dozens of options for finding words, their definitions, and similar definitions. On the whole, this apk makes language studies much more fluid and comprehensible. The Android device ver is worth the make batter as it does almost the same as the aforementioned versions and is continually improved upon, recently (2013) receiving a history feature, gui improvement for ease of use, better look-up integration with another tools, and a semi-jump feature (via the clipboard). Looking forward to improved jump features.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-07-30

  • A Google user: Very awesome developer.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-06-27

  • dgdg ughsd: Recently the definition of word takes up to 10 seconds to present up, until then its completely blank making the dictionary almost unusable. Edit: When I disabled "continuous mode" it works fine now, what does it even do?
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-03-11

  • A Google user: Must have for Japanese learner? 1.43 was not working on pixel 3 xl but suddenly it is working.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-03-02

  • A Google user: I use this apk for J-E, E-J, J-J, and occasionally E-E translations. I haven't found a better apk than this one, but it should be better. One promising thing is that the publisher frequently updates the tool (but no change log?). The UI can be a tiny clunky and editing groups or adding dictionaries is a tiny rough around the edges. I've also run into a trouble with the advanced find options, especially while using it in a group where one dictionary might not be compatible with said option.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2013-06-05

  • Kazuyuki Okuhata: これまでの資産を活用できて助かってます。機能では無いですが、アイコンを今時なマテリアルにしてほしいかな~
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-01-22

  • A Google user: I have been using this apk in windows for years. I also used it in windows mobile. Android device also works good! A flashcard incorporation would be nice!
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2013-05-10

  • chris hughes: Charged twice. Deducting a star because I had to pay for fresh subscription to install on fresh smartphone even though I already paid before... :(
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2019-01-05

  • neo16ye: 開いたらすぐに落ちる。 修復お願い (pixel 2 xl ,android device 8.1)
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2018-01-22

  • A Google user: It would be nice if there is a widget added.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2013-12-14

  • A Google user: Primary usability quirks aside, how does a modern EPWING reader not have a "jump" feature? Seriously? It can't possibly be that difficult to implement. Every 電子辞書 in existence has one, even budget devices.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2012-10-09

  • Will Marone: Pixel 2 XL, Android device 8.1, March 5 patch level, crashes shortly after granting file access permissions on first startup and then crashes instantly afterwards. Denying permissions prevents crashes, but the means by which you add dictionaries is laughably awful. This is rather disappointing.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2018-03-32


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