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For Android: 4.2 Guide: Fast Tract Diet cheats tutorial
When updated: 2022-07-18 Star Rating: 3.7
Name: Fast Tract Diet hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: Norm Robillard File Name: com.selfhealthpublishing.fasttractdiet
Current Version: 2.0.7 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 5000-7789 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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Fast Tract Diet Gameplay, Trailers and Related Videos

Watch What Is the Fast Tract Diet? video.

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Watch Dr. Norm Robillard - Fast Tract Diet™ video.

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Watch Fast Tract Diet with Dr Norm Robillard | Ep 18 video.

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Watch How To Stop Acid Reflux – Without Drugs video.

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Watch This is why low carb diets work beyond symptoms for Reflux, IBS & SIBO incl the Fast Tract Diet video.

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Watch SIBO Symptoms Resolved Using the Fast Tract™ Diet - case study video.

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Watch How To Fix LPR (Silent Reflux) - LPR Diet that Stops Reflux video.

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Watch How to fix SIBO & Prevent Recurrence video.

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Watch The Fast Tract Diet™: A New Approach to SIBO, GERD and Related Digestive Disorders video.

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Watch GERD // HOW I HEALED MY ACID REFLUX AFTER 15 YEARS // My Story, Diet & Treatment video.

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About the application:

The Quick Tract Diet Apk helps you identify gut friendly foods against hard-to-digest foods, track and chart your meals and symptoms, make shopping lists and quickly look up the symptom potential for specific foods & drinks at your favorite shop on the fly. The Quick Tract Diet is based on a flexible “FP” point system adaptable to a dozens of dietary preferences. Each meal is assigned a specific point value based on its serving size and symptom potential. The Lower The FP Points, The Lower The Symptom Potential. The Quick Tract Diet addresses the symptoms of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (FGIDs), Little Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) and similar digestive and general health problems including: • Gas, bloating, distension and belching • Cramps, abdominal pain and indigestion • Diarrhea, constipation or altered bowel habits • Heartburn, sore throat, sinus irritation, persistent cough, sour taste, hoarseness, lump in throat feeling and post nasal drip • Respiratory symptoms • Allergic and autoimmune reactions FGIDs, SIBO and similar digestive and general health problems contain, but are not limited to: • Acid and non-acid reflux • Gastroesophageal Reflux Illness (GERD) • Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR) • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) • Lactose, fructose or another carbohydrate intolerance • Celiac illness • Crohn’s illness • Diverticulitis • Asthma • Rosacea • Leaky gut and autoimmune diseases EFFECTIVE Read the professional reviews and genuine experiences of Quick Tract Dieters (http://digestivehealthinstitute.org/book-reviews/) based on the Quick Tract Digestion ebooks, which describe the diet. The Quick Tract Diet was presented at Digestive Illness Week in 2013 to give gastroenterologists a fresh dietary alternative for SIBO similar conditions. HOW IT WORKS It’s simple. Just follow the 3 steps: 1. Decide your everyday FP goal based on the severity of your symptoms. - For severe symptoms: 25 FP points or less (GREEN) - For moderate symptoms: 26 – 40 FP points (YELLOW) - For light or no symptoms: 40 FP points and above (RED) 2. Track what you eat and drink including serving sizes and any symptoms you experience. 3. Incorporate the “Gut Friendly Practices” into your everyday routine for better digestion. For more info on FP, FP goal setting and “Gut Friendly Practices”, read the How Quick Tract Diet Works and Gut Friendly Practices chapters by pressing ” ? ” on the Dashboard. DASHBOARD This is where you begin. The graph is automatically generated based on your meals (FP) and symptoms. You can see it either by week or month to track your progress on symptom relief over time. FP FOOD LIST Over 800 foods, drinks, condiments and supplements are already pre-calculated to assist you meet your “FP” goal for relief. TRACKER Your meals and symptoms are logged here. You can log meals and symptoms from the Dashboard, FP Meal List as well as within the Tracker. MY CUSTOM FOODS Can’t search a meal in the FP Meal List? Enter the nutritional facts and allow the Apk calculate the FP and save it for future use. You can also make your own recipes. The FP values are automatically calculated per serving making it simple to add to the Tracker. SHOPPING LIST Create a low FP shopping list and bring it to your local shop! You can also add another household stuff for convenience. FP CALCULATOR This is your mobile meal chemist to determine the FP points and symptom potential in any meal, drink, etc. Once FP points are calculated, you can add the meal to My Custom Foods for future reference. FAST TRACT DIET Read about the Quick Tract Diet and Quick Tract Diet Apk in a few concise chapters. Extra resources including ebooks, individual consultation and a community of Quick Tract Dieters on Fb are also found here. Credits for different Icons - https://icons8.com/ - http://www.flaticon.com/ Icons created by Freepik from www.flaticon.com Icon created by Picol from www.flaticon.com

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Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • A Google user: This apk for the Quick Track Diet is so helpful. An simple method to track FP for those that are changing their dietary approach to digestive issues! The customer service was additional helpful in helping me receive acclimated to using the apk!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-12-32

  • A Google user: Norm's revolutionary research into what truly causes reflux is life-changing! Understanding that reflux isn't about too much acid in the stomach and that PPIs are more risky for long term health and only mask the real trouble is essential to overcoming reflux/GERD. Using Norm's ebook and this apk, I was able to receive off of PPIs after 9 years. In 30 short days, following his research and diet suggestions along with the use of this apk to track my meal and symptoms, I was able to receive off of PPIs and lose 11 pounds. I feel good, have more energy, and love not having to take reflux medicine on a everyday basis! I know my gut is still healing and I look forward to seeing where I am in six months after feeding my body the "right things" for a longer period of time.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-02-03

  • Anthony Dosen: What I've been looking for. A low FODMAP diet helped my IBS and reflux some, but I'm so glad I stumbled into this approach because it is less restrictive, so simple to track with this apk, and more or less cured my longtime problems. Soon, I will begin to ease back into certain foods. I think I figured out my major triggers with the assist of this apk. Feeling good! Thank you to this squad!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-03-27

  • A Google user: I tried this diet on a whim, as a latest ditch effort to avoid taking prilosec. I had been suffering from painful reflux for over two months. My ENT said the acid was reaching my voice box, which was why my voice was hoarse. I couldn't barely read my children a ebook 😭 I kept thinking "but I eat healthy! why is this event to me?" It turns out I was eating too a lot of carbs and method too much fiber. I've been on the diet for 10 weeks now and I no longer need meds! I highly suggest the FTD.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-07-14

  • A Google user: Very much have fun using this apk, along with the ebook that I imported from Amazon in the US. There are manual methods to calculate the FP points but we are finding that we have to do that more and more as there isn't as much dozens in the foods and drinks that we would like. I suppose living in the UK there are going to be some problems like that, some foods seem to be American orientated. Then there are some oddities like prepared porridge oats, prepared with what - water or whole milk or skimmed milk etc..? Awesome apk overall and compliments the ebook well, for an understanding as to why FP points should be necessary to your digestive health. I wonder if this apk is due for an modernize anytime, and if so what might be included....?
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-05-11

  • A Google user: Brilliant ebook and apk. I feel like this is really the missing link in the Sibo diet equation! Day 1 and bloating is already wayyyyy down!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-03-22

  • A Google user: This apk is so useful! It makes calculating FP points per food really easy, and the meal diary and graph let you to spot links between FP points and symptom score. The database of foods updates whenever FP points are calculated (or re-calculated). This diet has improved my life so much!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-01-11

  • A Google user: Simple to use and very helpful
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-04-02

  • A Google user: Life saver! Worth paying for an apk, coming from someone who NEVER buys apks or spends cash in/through (mini game) apks.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-08-30

  • Lynn Allan: I must apologize to the apk creator. The reason I should not set up an acc was my fault not theirs. The email confirmation went into my spam acc so I missed seeing it. The problem is resolved and they were fast to answer. Although, the emails I did sent through the app's link came back each time. Not until I commented here did I hear from them. I appreciate your fast response to my comments. :)
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2022-04-06

  • KLR: I downloaded this apk today and search it VERY useful. I can add all my favorite foods (the ones that aren't already on the app's list) and there is a calculator that allows you to figure out your favorite snacks. I was surprised that most of the "healthy" snack bars I was eating were high FP. There are even recommendations for eating out. I definitely suggest this apk.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2020-07-03

  • A Google user: Helpful, relevant, nothing missing yet no fluff to distract, seriously good apk for navigating Quick Tract Diet. The symptom tracker is simple to access as required. This very useful apk is almost seamless for a tech klutz like me to use.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-12-12

  • A Google user: Very helpful resource. Simple to follow the rules without using a specific food plan from the ebooks.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-01-23

  • A Google user: One of the best things I've ever done for my body.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2020-03-08

  • A Google user: The Quick Tract diet and apk have helped me so much! So simple to calculate the FP and hold symptoms at bay. Really simple to navigate and I don't know what I did without it...it's a lifesaver! :)
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-03-04

  • Eva Stevani Wijaya: Just bought this but the apk can't be opened. After logging in, the apk kept getting error shows: "Apk preparation was interrupted. Please be sure to have stable internet connection and test once more" Pls assist in fixing this as I wish to use the apk to assist me adhering to the diet Thanks Modernize: I can finally begin and use the apk after emailing them. Really quick service! Really suggested. Thanks a lot!!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2020-11-10

  • A Google user: Life changing theory. I would love to have the Hungarian translation of this apk so my mom should use it. She sufferes from IBS for nearly 60 years.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-11-31

  • A Google user: Does a really good job helping you track your meal and symptoms. Another reviews mention mistakes in the data—so far I've been lucky and it's worked well for me
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-10-17

  • A Google user: Perfect compliment to the ebook by the same name. Takes a commitment to change eating habits but this diet cured my GERD symptoms, which had caused Barrett's Esophagus. Be prepared to cook and not eat quick meal. Also losing weight which is a premium.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-06-23

  • A Google user: If you have issues with your digestive system, please test this apk and read the ebook. It is a life saver!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-01-02

  • A Google user: This apk makes tracking your diet and symptoms so, so simple. On top of that there is a Fb help group and private help from the app's founder, Norm Robillard. It's hard to trust that something like this can cost so tiny, too, when so much research and work has obviously gone into it.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-06-15

  • A Google user: This is a good program to use. I am a ebook person & bought both ebooks first, but realized I required the apk to easily hold track of my FP points. Also helps at the grocery shop when you're standing in front of produce overwhelmed by what you "can't" eat. Just begin the apk, pull up veggies & buy the lowest FP ones!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-02-22

  • A Google user: Life changing. I use this every day. One idea for improvement would be to add alternative meal names for countries another than USA, e.g. Arugula in US is 'rocket' in the UK.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-02-09

  • A Google user: I like the apk even though there are still foods missing like couscous, napa cabbage, and probably much more, it has a feature to add custom foods but the apk doesn't agree decimal points (like 1.5g), and it's almost impossible to search the sugar alcohol content of a lot of foods. It's an perfect begin and I hope Norm doesn't give up on this apk which has tremendous potential to achieve mainstream status.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2019-02-20

  • A Google user: The Quick Tract Diet
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-12-16

  • A Google user: Would be nice if symptoms were listed separately instead of bundled together for better accuracy in tracking my symptoms. I would also like to be able to view specific days and create notes regarding symptoms. Also lots of vegetables have raw FP listed but no FP listed if they are cooked.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2016-09-12

  • A Google user: This diet relieved what ent docs had diagnosed as lpr more than 10 years ago. I refused to take antacids and suffered with a constant sore throat & cough. Since eating fermented foods I've found total relief.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-05-22

  • S Hagen: Modernize- figured out how to adjust serving sizes. Have to press and keep and then scroll up or down. I was told by customer service that I can turn a wheel to do this- maybe the scrolling is what they meant by that.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2021-03-23

  • A Google user: Large improvement would be to add a time to the meals/snacks/symptoms, so they're all listed in order then you see what meal caused which symptom. The symptom anxiety /fatigue /headache needs to be separate as they are completely various symptoms. Also you could be able add custom symptoms so they'll be added to the list for simple clicking when you receive that symptom once more. Other awesome feature would be to be able to duplicate a custom recipes for when you add various ingredients or various amounts.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-08-29

  • A Google user: No method to export your data as CSV/PDF to share with your doctor/dietitian.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2019-10-05

  • A Google user: I downloaded this apk hoping that it would contain more foods than in the ebook. Not the case. The FP values in the apk differ from the ebook for the same ingredients. You also cant adjust the serving size of ingredients to hold accurate track of FP values for meals. I have SIBO so this is very necessary. Bummed I spent $8 on this.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2016-02-10

  • Karen Tormey: This makes tracking meal so much easier than weighing on a scale. I love this. Would like to see more foods added to the library.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2021-03-02

  • A Google user: I'm not sure how helpful this apk is going because there are so a lot of foods that are not included & the measurements for serving size are not simple to match up. I search it difficult to search glycemic index details for my foods, and this uses the GI as one of the methods to decide the FP points. It's just a guessing mini game. It would be really helpful if the dashboard showed the times of meals with FP points for that food as well as the times and types of symptoms reported. It would assist identify triggers .
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2019-11-08

  • Lysiane NARAGHI: Very helpfull apk but I've got an problem with the creation of fresh stuff. Suddenly, it is out of order. I went on the FTD group on Fb and hadn't reply for that problem. So don't know what to do.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2021-04-26

  • A Google user: Perfect, with a couple of recommendations for future enhancements: I'd love to see the Eades' "Protein Power Gram Counter" EEC net gram carbs integrated into the apk to provide net carbs per food data points on the everyday graph. I'd also like to see the "another" category of symptom let for the addition of a description of the symptom. In particular to assist identify non-acid GERD, which I may have.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-10-25

  • Jessica Jenkins: This apk is extremely limited. I would expect an apk like this to be gratis. There are so a lot of foods that are not on here like canned pumpkin. They have pumpkin soup with cream and potatoes though? There are even stuff that are misspelled. The worst part about it is it gives you an idea of how a lot of points foods are worth, but a lot of of them are not based on a real serving size. You can adjust the serving size but often times you will have no idea how a lot of grams of meal you ate.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2020-11-12

  • A Google user: Awesome apk but so a lot of foods missing. Lots of raw veg on here but what about cooked.. like broccoli for instance? Who eats that raw? What is the fp for cooked? And also meats. What about Lamb? Thats not on here either
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2017-06-28

  • Rachael Knapp: It's hard to "rate" your symptoms, especially if they don't ever stop. Also if you're not consistent with your rating scheme it's not simple to track if you're actually getting better or what foods are bothering you. I'm at 2wk using the apk and I'm feeling better but not 100%. I still belch frequently and have a low level of heart burn all the time and I don't go over ~20 points a day.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2020-05-13

  • John Bowden: I like the apk for its design & wealth of useful dietary info. However, the principles of the quick tract diet are flawed, at least for me. It says there are no forbidden foods, each one has a points value; hold the points low for the foods you eat in one day and you could be ok. In my case that's not real. Apparently I can't digest fiber, e. g. ½ cup of peeled cooked zucchini has low FP score, ate it and had bloating/indigestion; only ate meat & fish rest of the day (total FP score 8).
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2022-03-20

  • A Google user: wanted awesome lists by FT group. I wish to eat only best ft foods and can't see a list of best choices in each group.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2019-05-27


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