For Android: 4.0 and up | Guide: きぐるみゅ~じっく for Android cheats tutorial |
When updated: 2022-05-19 | Star Rating: 3.8 |
Name: きぐるみゅ~じっく for Android hack for android | Extension: Apk |
Author: Hit-Point Co.,Ltd. | File Name: |
Current Version: 1.0.9 | User Rating: Everyone |
Downloads: 10000-27011 | Version: mod, apk, unlock |
System: Android | Type: Education |
Watch きぐるみゅ~じっく for Androidをやった video.
Watch 音楽に合わせて曲を奏でよう♪ きぐるみゅ~じっく video.
Watch きぐるみゅ~じっく video.
Watch 【きぐるみゅ~じっく】【Kigurumyu ~ Logic】Lucu banget!! Kita mulai Part1 video.
Watch 【衝撃】Siriを怒らせるとこうなる。 video.
Watch 電車に乗ってたら kindness in Tokyo #shorts video.
Watch こちらのマスク美女 実は・・・ #shorts #縮毛矯正 video.
Watch みんなは聞こえるかな?#強風オールバック #ピアノ #garageband video.
Watch 毛を抜いただけなのに video.
Watch 何番目の滑り台で滑ってみたい? video.
きぐるみゅ~じっく Android版ついに登場! ※※エリア課金後に追加エリアが遊べない不具合について※※ 前バージョンにてエリア購入後にゲームが強制終了する 不具合を修正いたしました。 アプリを最新バージョンにしていただき ゲーム起動後、SHOPから「購入確認」を選択してください。 ご不便をおかけして申し訳ございません。 きぐるみを着た可愛いキャラクターを操作して誰もが知っている曲を奏でよう!! 収録曲はなんと40曲以上!! 新感覚のサウンド&アクションゲームです [対応端末]AndroidOS 4.0以降の端末 [推奨端末]AndroidOS 4.1以降の端末 ※本アプリは基本無料+ステージ課金制となっております ※一部の端末では音のずれや画面が正常に表示されないことがあります →音ずれに関しては、ゲーム内オプションで調整することが可能です 「きぐるみゅ~じっく for Android」はセキュリティチェック済みの アンドロイダー公認アプリです!(2014/4/27) 不具合やお気づきの点がございましたら、お手数ですが 弊社サポートまでお問い合わせください。 また、その際は「きぐるみゅ~じっく」とアプリ名を記載いただくよう宜しくお願い申し上げます。 【弊社サポート】 【サポート受付】 土日・祝日を除く平日:10:00~17:30 ※お問い合わせいただいた後、弊社からご連絡させて頂く場合がございますので迷惑メール防止のためメールの受信設定をしている場合は、あらかじめ設定を解除、もしくはからのメールの受信許可をお願いいたします。
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Reviews and Recent Comments:
Syah Raoh: why not gratis😭😭😢😢
User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-08-09
A Google user: I really, really love this mini game! The melody is good, and the kigurumis are method too beautiful. You guys just created my day. Thank you!
User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-01-19
Ellen Hudson: Well i have this BIG question can it be in english?
User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-01-10
Alexzandra Brutas: I like the mini game and the sounds so if you cant like the "melody" well so be it
User rated this game 5/5 on 2020-08-28
Bree Casall: I'm I don't speak japinese but this mini game has a primary understanding witch makes it simple to play no matter what launguage but it would be really nice of you should add an English verson please and thanks 😜
User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-12-09
Minah Ariel: Soon beautiful and has a lot of scene to play
User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-09-29
Lady Oblivion: I had this mini game on my iPhone and it played good. My trouble here is that the melody and the sound of your hero don't match up with the stages. It throws me off when you're trying to collect the musical notes, but it doesn't match with the song!
User rated this game 3/5 on 2016-10-19
Rodger Malloy: It was dumb. I didn't even understand it
User rated this game 1/5 on 2017-12-05
A Google user: I love this mini game on iphone and finally it has become accessible on Android device in Canada, but now the melody doesn't sync with the visuals! If this problem is fixed, I'd give this a 5 star rating.
User rated this game 4/5 on 2016-10-25
Clarice Adkins: Beautiful
User rated this game 5/5 on 2020-09-30
Jo Cat: Beautiful, adorable, fun mini game with absolutely superb melody. You can work out the basics of how to play, but I would love a ver of the mini game with the instructions in English (& another languages) to receive the most out of it. Pleeeeeease? ❤❤❤
User rated this game 4/5 on 2016-12-29
blossomtimes: The apk shows me a white screen. Fix this please :'( its a really fun mini game
User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-09-28
A Google user: I really liked this mini game on apple even though I couldn't advance at all but that's other story. The mini game is OFF BEAT. The melody doesn't match with the sound effects if you know what I mean. DISAPPOINTING. And this apk hasn't been updated in nearly 3 years. Doubt anyone is going to fix this. This apk is a LOST CAUSE. This apk is USELESS without the melody.
User rated this game 1/5 on 2018-08-06
Emilie Montagnet: I had the same trouble as other player. I tried opening the apk, & it never played. I can only assume the US ver doesn't work. :'( please fix the problem. The videos of mini game play are super beautiful. I wish to play this mini game.
User rated this game 1/5 on 2016-09-13
flori: es una berga
User rated this game 2/5 on 2017-11-09
ryan humphrey: Like It 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍
User rated this game 3/5 on 2021-08-06
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