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For Android: 4.0 and up Guide: IBM Micromedex Pediatrics cheats tutorial
When updated: 2019-10-21 Star Rating: 3.7142856
Name: IBM Micromedex Pediatrics hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: Mobile Micromedex File Name: com.thomson.pediatrics
Current Version: 2.6 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 10000- Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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Watch IBM Micromedex Pediatrics videoreviews, gameplays, videoinstructions, tutorials, guides, tips and tricks recorded by users, pro players and testers.

IBM Micromedex Pediatrics Gameplay, Trailers and Related Videos

Watch 2) Micromedex Medication Database video.

IBM Micromedex Pediatrics related image

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IBM Micromedex Pediatrics related image

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IBM Micromedex Pediatrics related image

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IBM Micromedex Pediatrics related image

Watch Quality Talks 2017: Kyu Rhee, MD, MPP: The Future of Health Is Cognitive video.

IBM Micromedex Pediatrics related image

Watch IBM Watson, the Cancer Fighter video.

IBM Micromedex Pediatrics related image

Watch Uganda Cancer Institute runs out of drugs video.

IBM Micromedex Pediatrics related image


About the application:

Buy IBM Micromedex® Pediatrics today for only $9.99 USD per year. You will be prompted to purchase the apk after your initial download. If your institution already subscribes to Micromedex Pediatrics then this apk is FREE. Micromedex Pediatrics is a reliable resource for on-the-go access to evidence-based drug info to efficiently and safely manage drug therapy for pediatric patients. It allows clinicians to create accurate and more informed treatment decisions at the point of care, while minimizing errors in this vulnerable patient population. This pediatric-specific apk has clinical value for doctors, nurses, and pharmacists. An internet connection is not needed, allowing you to create decisions with confidence at anytime, from anywhere. IBM Micromedex® is a trusted source for pediatric drug dosing, based on the strict editorial policies and practices that have guided Micromedex for more than 30 years. Evidence-based, fully referenced pediatric-specific drug info enables clinicians to create informed treatment decisions. The drug monographs cover info including: dose, administration, uses, contraindications/precautions, adverse effects, monitoring, pharmacology, unique considerations/preparation, solution- and drug-drug compatibility/incompatibility info, and references. This mobile apk also contains a comprehensive enteral formulas component providing nutritional info for approximately 100 various infant formulas and human milk fortifiers, and pediatric prescription enteral formulas. Micromedex Pediatrics drug info is intended for full-term babies 29 days of age and older (postnatal age) and preterm babies over 44 weeks postmenstrual age, up to 18 years of age. Do you work at a facility that subscribes to Pediatrics Online or Premier? Check with your Chief of Pediatrics, Director of Pediatrics, Director of the PICU, Directory of Pharmacy, Chief Medical Officer, Chief Nursing Officer, Medical Librarian, or anyone else at your facility responsible for clinical reference info. If you work at a facility that subscribes to Pediatrics Online or Premier, FREE access to these apks requires a password. To receive the Pediatrics password please contact help at https://www-01.ibm.com/software/support/watsonhealth/truven_support.html.

IBM Micromedex Pediatrics Hack - Gallery:

IBM Micromedex Pediatrics screenshot IBM Micromedex Pediatrics screenshot IBM Micromedex Pediatrics screenshot
IBM Micromedex Pediatrics hack free android guides videoreviews photos and help from pro players.
Changes in IBM Micromedex Pediatrics:
Upgraded to work with newer devices and addition of enhanced security during data downloads.
Download apk from Google Play

Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • Elizabeth Kleid: Why is there not a neofax essentials Google play apk?
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2014-07-16

  • Daniel Beaver: No.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2014-09-27

  • A Google user: lMy favorite pediatric apk!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-11-15

  • Tiffany Dickerson: I used to love Micromedex......NOT any more! It logs me out every day. Then, when I receive to the office and need a fast reference, it does not let my login and it tells me to test later! UGGG! how frustrating. I also paid for the adult ver.... It does the same thing. It's absolutely useless unless you have the time for re-logging in every day and constant connection to the internet, otherwise you're booted out.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2016-03-32


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Cheat IBM Micromedex Pediatrics
IBM Micromedex Pediatrics Hack download
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