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For Android: 2.3.3 and up Guide: Measurements Notebook cheats tutorial
When updated: 2019-09-29 Star Rating: 4.214286
Name: Measurements Notebook hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: desdelosalvaje File Name: desdelosalvaje.libretademedidasadfree
Current Version: 3.2.2 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 100- Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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Watch Measurements Notebook videoreviews, gameplays, videoinstructions, tutorials, guides, tips and tricks recorded by users, pro players and testers.

Measurements Notebook Gameplay, Trailers and Related Videos

Watch What measurement is a DIY traveler's notebook cover - plus how to make a size template video.

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Watch DIY Traveler's Notebook Setup Series: Size Matters - Popular Traveler's Notebook Sizes (in Inches) video.

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Watch Tip of the Week--Gauge vs. Finished Measurements--06/14/19 video.

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Watch Measuring the width and lenght of a notebook video.

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Watch SMART Notebook Tutorial: How to use Measurement Tools video.

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Watch Travelers Notebook Sizes - TN Video Series video.

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Watch Plan With Me on a Budget, Notebook Transformations, Sticker Bullet Journal with Dutch Door Tutorial video.

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Watch Man and girl tailors measuring clothes on dummy writing measurements in notebook video.

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Watch Spiral Notebook Covers | 2-Minute Tuesday Tip video.

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Watch Sew and embroider a notebook cover with zipper pocket video.

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About the application:

*Paid versión of "Measurements Notebook" advertisement gratis, with more blank places for your own measurements, and automatic backups every time you use the app.* ¡New! Export your measurements in a spreadsheet. This "Measurements Notebook" has been made with the aim of helping in taking measurements for tailoring in those moments you don't have a paper o pencil, or just don't remember all the measurements you neded to take. You'll always know where you have your measurements stored and will able to take them at any time. In addition, now you can easily measure anybody thanks to the pictures and explanation of each measurement, just touching it's name. Excellent for sewing beginners You can shop all the measurements you wish of your mates, family, clients, etc. An add a image of them. You will also be able to send your measurements or someone else's by email, or just shop them on the cloud, to have access from computer, print them... whatever you wish. This can be especially useful to assist tailors or professional of pattern making to contact with their clients and be able to take and keep the measurements at distance. This apk makes really simple for anyone to take it's own measurements and send them. Includes a fresh feature to backup your measurements list which is stored in your downloads folder or in Dropbox. You can also export your measurements in a spreadsheet to have them everywhere. If you need to pass the measurements from gratis ver, just enter gratis ver, create a backup, enter the paid ver, and click on "restore", and that's all :) This apk is being continuously developed and updated, and any recommendations would be apreciated. Specialy with languaje and translation errors or improvements you think I might add. And of course allow me know any comments, questions and every thing you need. (We are having troubles with our mail provider, to contact best, please use [email protected]) Hope you search it useful.

Measurements Notebook Hack - Gallery:

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Measurements Notebook hack free android guides videoreviews photos and help from pro players.
Changes in Measurements Notebook:
Version 3.2.2<br>- Dropbox changed the connection system, so there were some troubles. Fixed!<br><br>Version 3.2<br>- Improved backup<br>- Now you can backup in Dropbox <br>- ¡New! Export measurements in a spreadsheet<br><br>Version 3.1<br>- Now English is default languaje.<br>- Added option to change background<br><br>Version 3.0<br>¡Lot of news!:<br>- Search bar on the list.<br>- Now you can add photos from camera.<br>- Add directly contact info from contacts.<br>- Minor bug fixes.<br>- Design improvement
Download apk from Google Play

Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • Cheryl Pieri: I am VERY satisfied with this apk. I am a busy seamstress, mom and nannaand dont always have pen and paper with me ewhen i need to take measurements. Thank you.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-12-24

  • DUROJAIYE Olamide: This apks beats my imagination! Had to receive the paid ver just to encourage the developer. Nice one!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-01-02

  • Carolyn Navin: I have had the gratis ver of this apk for a few years and have used it frequently. It is so handy when you receive a possibility to take someone's measurements - and no list or pen accessible! I even use it for doll and teddy bear measurements! Took a bit to receive used to it but now its ok, so I bought it - well worth the cash.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2019-03-09

  • Li Lian Cheah: I like this apk so far. But it would be good if the gratis apk should simply be upgraded to the paid apk instead of having to retype everything into the paid apk. Also would be better if text should be added in the measurements and not just restricted to numbers. But hold up the awesome work guys! Hope to see more updates.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2016-09-25

  • Pierre Taylor: This apk would be excellent if it included the ability to change the profile from a woman to a man with included pics and measurements.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2016-04-29

  • K L O'Connell: Stores info well, but not intuitive when sharing between devices.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2017-04-13

  • Adaobi Ezewuzie: Nice apk. But I am giving it a 3 stars because: 1. We need more blank places to add our own measurements 2. Also, make the ability for us to edit the already existing measurement names (like bust circ. etc) to what works for us and the terminology we are familiar with or used to and then allow that our SINGLE edit be saved as a TEMPLATE to be adopted for all another measurements we input, so that we don't have to edit every single time 3. Also, make an option to add pics of the customer's desired style, 4. Task setting button and 5. A reminder button. Otherwise, unbelievable apk. Attractive interface and simple to use. Please add all these options so that it can be a complete apk for us tailors.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2018-08-14

  • Ankush Gupta: Ofcourse being into tailoring line, I hoped this apk would create my work easier. But, even paid ver doesn't solve my purpose. What I need is simply, that the apk could let me to make my own set for all the measurements, and I could have the option to create that set as default.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2016-09-14

  • A Google user: Love this apk! Just want it allowed as a lot of extra measurements as I need of my own measurements. And I wished it had more cloud storage options, like GoogleDrive & OneDrive. But otherwise, I am very satisfied. One more thing... It says this apk is Family Library eligible, but there is no option to add it to the Family Library
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-12-05


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