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For Android: 5.0 Guide: No Thanks cheats tutorial
When updated: 2024-03-06 Star Rating: 4.75
Name: No Thanks hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: BashSquare File Name: com.bashsoftware.boycott
Current Version: 3.0.2 User Rating: Everyone 10+
Downloads: 500000-507091 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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About the application:

Welcome to our No Thanks Apk! Our apk simplifies the process of scanning barcodes and searching for products that is listed for the boycott movement, It makes your shopping goes easily when you know what brand you don't wish to buy, and the apk helps you with that, just scan the product and the apk will tell you. Key Features: πŸ” Effortless Barcode Scanning: Quickly scan barcodes using your smartphone's camera. πŸ“Œ Find by Serial Number: Easily find for products or stuff by entering their serial numbers. πŸš€ Swift and User-Friendly: Our apk is designed with a user-friendly interface, ensuring a seamless experience for both novice and experienced players. πŸ“² Lightweight and Safe: Our apk is lightweight, taking up minimal place on your device. Your data is kept safe, and we value your privacy. πŸ“ˆ Regular Updates: We continuously improve our apk to provide you with the recent features and enhancements.

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Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • Syed Ghazanfer Rabbani: Good apk. An improvement would be adding approximate matches as a drop down in find bar. For example if you find for Starbucks it shows that it's on the boycott list but if you find for starbuck it shows the product is awesome. Same with marks and Spencer. So it would be awesome to present related brands to what is being typed in a drop down like how google find shows you options while typing so if you mistype something you can choose it from the drop-down menu. All the best
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-20

  • J: I love the intention behind this apk and love the idea, it's quit helpful! But there is a lot of place for improvement, also it can't be downloaded on iPhone which I hope you can change so that your apk expands more and so that more people can use it on a everyday basis, also, should you please PLEASE contain a list of products that we CAN use?? I think this would be so much more helpful for when we need alternatives for another products that help this genocide. Hold up the awesome work!!!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-24

  • Heba M: Very helpful. Works with any brands, including fast-food chains. Thank you, it created the boycottings more reliable and targeted. Suggested enhancements: 1- Clear the brand name if the scanner is used 2- enable offline cache/scanner for shopping in awful connection territories. 3- enable a plugin for quicker access 4- Drop down list with recommendations while typing the brandname. It avoids misspelling & is quicker. Note:El bakaa' lellah for your loved ones..
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-30

  • Ghizlan Belaalya: This apk has been very useful, I search it much easier to scan product barcodes than kind in brand name because a slight spelling mistake or place in the wrong put may alter the results, so create sure to have the correct name or just scan instead
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-21

  • fazy rox: One trouble in apk. When the apk in offline mode it shows the notice "the product is awesome for now" on every product. It could present "internet connection error" OR Consider implementing a feature to shop product data locally. When a player searches for a product in offline mode, display a notification instructing them to connect to the internet for updated data. This enhancement will provide players with more accurate info and improve the overall player experience.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-17

  • Samir Khair: 1. Add a Share button so I can easily send to others. 2. Add barcode scan to Report of Missing Brands screen. 3. Sometimes I find for company and it returns that it is not on the boycott list because of a typo or unknown barcode. Better if it checks that the company exists at all (even if it isn't on the boycott list) before clearing it to avoid false positives.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-16

  • Anya Theodora: this apk is good but I'd just suggest people enter product names. I used to manage a POS office for a grocery chain, product bar codes actually change frequently with certain brands you're better to just find by name if you wish to be sure!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-20

  • Asiya Z: I ve just downloaded it after discovering it on Al Jazeera. So far, after playing around with it to look up a lot of brands, I like how fast and simple it is to use. WIith some disappointment, I've learned that Amazon and Walmart are in the red category instead of the green😏. But I'm so glad to explore this apk to add my help to a moral cause.πŸ™‚. Good idea!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-16

  • Mehmood Ali: Good concept, needs some digital marketing to increase the number of players, please save some budget for that. I'm sure there are a lot of others like me who would search this helpful. May allah reward you.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-20

  • RyH: Thank you for making it easier to check stuff! May your days ahead be filled with joy and success! (: Very player friendly. Very simple to use. Concise results. If you wanna go in info as to why the item is red-flagged, go do some digging on your own. Also the apk lets you recommend brands you think they've missed. πŸ‘πŸ»
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-18

  • MUHAMMAD Mazhar: I downloaded this apk after seeing an interview from aljazera. This is awesome but please add awful bands subsidiaries working in Muslim countries with another names. For example Unilever is international name but in pakistan its Pakistan Unilever and in india its Hindustan Unilever which is showing on your apk not in boycott.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-31

  • Ikhwan Nordin: It's alright, although I see potential to expand the contents and features. First off you should add brand logos and images of products, or maybe the players should add those in and have them rated by community mods. Country selection so we can localize. Detailed rationale behind brands rather than easy "this product supports...", links to sites providing evidences, etc.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-11-28

  • Abdul Qadeer: Came to know from Al jazeera Interview. Perfectly designed apk. Only one thing i wish to recommend is please add alternate section in list from proof section. And add more international brand in alternate section. Because almost all of alternate recommended aren't accessible locally. Those are accessible only in specific countries like Cola Turka is a Turkish brand not accessible in Asia and Americas
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-18

  • Become Muslim and submit to Allah, the One True God (Muhammad is His messenger): This is the best apk ever. Used it to try a couple of brands and I am never buying those brands in the boycott list ever once more. It makes it so much easier, I don't have to remember the brand names anymore. May Allah makes this apk a program that crushes the evil Zionist regime. Ameen!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2024-01-02

  • Aiman Rafeed: It is good. 1) But I think if a brand is not in your database, rather than just showing a green signal, it could also state that it's not in your database. 2) Red signaled products could have 1 or 2 liner explananrions of how that product is supporting the okkupasion. 3) If my find is very close to another names, it could inform me so.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-11-30

  • Helen Sharing: Tried both fields of find and was satisfied to see both compliment each another. Since the list of companies and brands needs constant updating, what's the best and fastest method to have recommendations data entered?
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-20

  • Nur Azizah: It helped me boycott things. But one trouble. When i was taking a image for the numbers, it's automatically closed. So i can not use it. May you fix it?
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-23

  • Chaca hamid: Thank you so much for created this apk, is assist me and everyone !! So we can more relax when shopping and checked it on this...thank youu...may god bless youu^^ and i also hoping this apk have complet more boycotting list~
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-27

  • Hugo Stiglitz: So far it's working good. This is a valuable piece of technology which allows the ordinary people do something. I have no doubt that once this gets going it will do a lot of awesome!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2024-01-04

  • Nichole Myers: Brilliant idea! This has the potential to change so a lot of things. This program can assist each individual person create a little difference, which can then snowball into an eventual BIG difference. It is a work in progress, but a monumental one at that.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-18

  • D, Marisa: You have done so well to receive this apk event in only a couple of weeks! Very handy, straight forward, simple to use when you are shopping for groceries etc. I know any tiny bugs will be ironed out as you hold developing. Under such grave circumstances you are to be greatly commended. Bless you
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-17

  • Christina McDaniel: Thank you so much for this apk! It worked perfectly and I ended up saving $26.00 by switching to brands I help!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-29

  • Fahed Barakat: Good apk, it isn't excellent as it is newly launched but the developer is very active and adding extra barcodes, sources and entities. Total Respect to Dev and players for ethical sourcing. Recommendations: 1) History/ activity list of scanned stuff and Searches 2) Dark mode 3) Share Button to encourage players to mates of the Apk and Specific Stuff scanned 4) Shortcut directly to Camera
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-08

  • A. T: Awesome apk, using this apk allow me feel, I'm doing something awesome for justice and humanity. Even when there are some products not included, but I think, it's awesome as first step to focus the boycott effort on linited number of product for higher effectiveness and later to expand the list on others.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-17

  • Soreatullah: Very awesome initiative. It would be good if you create a public repository in github, so that developers around the globe can assist it to improve. also they can assist to translate the apk in their native language. in that method general people will also search this apk helpful for this noble work.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-18

  • shameena abdulla: The apk is very simple to use. All you have to do is kind in a brand's name and it lets you know whether the company is in the boycott list or not.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-25

  • Evet Jaudon: I really appreciate the apk. It is so helpful and I rely on it for all my shopping. I canceled Christmas this year and got rid of a lot of things. I feel so much better and replacing stuff is easier too. So grateful thank you for giving me better options!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-19

  • Awad cool: It's really an good apk and simple to use. Thank you so much for this, May Allah bless you Recommendation:- Add photos if possible Instead of showing green light to the product which are not in your data use yellow light or something because it shows Nike green light Please do add Indian products which are marketed by Western companies Thank you so much once once more❀️
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-19

  • Mumtaz: Good job ,need some improvement and addition of more brand and outlets in the list, Please share this apk in all your muslim Groups
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-23

  • matteo borgognoni: Thanks for the good work. It would be a good feature and assist to players to present alternatives.. seeing so a lot of brands included may discourage people.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-18

  • Contact Person Mario Irwinsyah: I hope you can extend your database quick and simple 🀲.. not only for barcoded stuff.. Mercedes clearly supporting "them" but it's categorised as secure products.. Cos we don't need barcode to buy a vehicle, hotels, or even meal isn't it..? and I bet there's a lot of more of it.. Baarokallaahu fiikum
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-11-27

  • Syed Shah1: Thank you so much it's very awesome apk and use on boycott products and this apk present us which country productsπŸ‡΅πŸ‡° and this apk is very simple
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-20

  • brii Marie: I don't know why people are giving this apk low reviews just because all the brands aren't in the database yet. It's a brand fresh apk. Give them time. It works seamlessly. It's beyond quick. My only complaint is that it's not on the Apple shop because I assume because Apple supports the conflict, but that doesn't mean everyone who has an iPhone supports the fight and they could have the occasion to be able to boycott companies as well. So this apk could be accessible on their apk shop.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-15

  • KiB KaMRuL: It's really awesome starting. Kindly add some features like pictures or alternative options to buy the product or origin the product.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-12

  • Dea Tsaniah Nurul Azizah: This is really assist me in identifying any products that are supported genocide. But there are some products that can't be identified. I hope there is maintenance soon to add more other products.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-18

  • Gulshan Sarwar: Perfect apk!! I'm so satisfied for this apk. I immediately downloaded it when I saw it on al jazeera news, and the inventor mentioned it. Makes my life simple as it's hard to remember everything on the Boycott list. Well done πŸ₯°
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-19

  • Syed Mirage Faredie: Thank you for the apk. it helped me a lot and I will continue to use it. I didn't know Amazon supports apartheid and genocide. so I have uninstalled the apk from my smartphone. No more purchases from Amazon.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-16

  • ruhi fatima: It's a easy apk helping people create conscious consumer choices. A large thank you to the developers for making this. Please continue to enhance it as and when you can.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-23

  • Mira Noor: Very, very, VERY helpful! Though, it should be a bit faster in identifying the barcodes. Took a while. πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-09

  • Mohammad Bilal: Very helpful and easy to use. One recommendation is to add alternative brands to buy from. This will create it easier for us to boycotte if we know where else we can receive a related product without supporting genocide and apartheid.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-12-16


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