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For Android: 2.3 and up Guide: OuO cheats tutorial
When updated: 2021-02-08 Star Rating: 4.588761
Name: OuO hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: elPatrixF File Name: com.elpatrixf.OuO
Current Version: 1.3b User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 1000000-2607508 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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Q: hi hi kau buat apa

A: Alif Arif Aiman Afiff

A: Saya tak buat apa-apa

A: Saye miss u so much

A: Saye rindu awkkkk

A: Tak buat apa pun

A: Tengok goreng keropok

A: X buat Pape pon

A: X buat apa pon-

Q: Oiiii ckp laaa

A: Hi sayang buat ape tu

A: Xnak ckp ngn awak

A: Yer apa

Q: Kau sudah makan ke belom

A: Sudah lah wak..

Q: Saya bosan lah nak buat macam mana ni

A: Main game ngan saya nak?

A: Pergilaa rehat,!!

Q: Sya mau ouo Sya boleh bercakap

A: Mana ada hehhehehejekie

A: Saya kak ouo bercakap

Q: How to put subtitles

A: Awakk kacakkkk sayaa sukaa

A: Cara letak subtitle

A: Hai awk.....tengah buat ape tu?

A: Haii awak hensem laa

A: hai awak, awak marah ye

Q: How to make subtitle on 0u0?

A: A: Tak tahuu gilak

A: IDK sumpah tak tahu

A: Tak tahuu gilak

Q: How to put a subtitle

A: Awk comel lahhh

A: you kg baru tau

A: Hello awak, sibuk nampaknya

A: Hi boleh awak teman saya tak

A: Hye awak nak saya temankan?

A: Hye awk, cantik awak arini

A: I don't know how to use subtitle

A: Okeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

A: Q saya SUKE MCM mana

A: hey sayang hahahaha

A: hi temankan i please

Q: How to get the best score?

A: alammualaikum

A: Awak buat apa tu

A: Macam mana nak buat tu

A: Mcm mana awk boleh cakap?

A: Play ouo malay subtitle

A: Saya nak cakap

A: have to discuss first

Q: What is your favourite trick in this game/app?


A: He can speak malay

A: How are you,oooo

A: I need malay subtitle in this app

A: Jjnnnnnvcsdshhkoujkk

A: he can angryyy.

Q: What is your strategy?

A: Awak kerangan ke

A: Me alone..please give me falling love with ouo

A: my strategy is fall in love

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OuO Gameplay, Trailers and Related Videos

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Watch OuO [Extended] | Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion OST video.

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Watch 0u0 video.

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Watch 🍃OwO cat + extra / meme / gacha club / Mary OuO🍃 video.

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Watch Ouo Gameplay cute game video.

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Watch OuO/ MI CELULAR sonrió/se enojo apk video.

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Watch OuO video.

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About the application:

Have you ever wanted to have an beautiful face in your smartphone or smartphone? Ever thought of poking its eyes or cheeks or maybe give it a shake? Well now you can! :D OuO is a kawaii face application that you can interact with by touching the screen (You can poke its eye to create him wink, tap him in the forehead, squeeze its cheeks, and a lot more!) And if you don't do anything at all, you can sit down and watch as it makes beautiful adorable faces~ You can also hit the menu button on your phone/tablet to access the options menu that contains a little animated fast assist and a couple of additional settings that you can toy around with. Oh, and there's also a mood indicator that shows OuO's current mood (he can receive mad if you poke him repeatedly in the eye, but it'll forget about it if you rub him in the head; this affects the various random faces that it can create and the method that it will react to certain actions) It... uh... doesn't do much another than that but... whatever, have fun! Shoutout and large thanks to Mike Inel for making the original OuO for iOS which inspired me to create this android device ver of it!

OuO Hack - Gallery:

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OuO hack free android guides videoreviews photos and help from pro players.
Changes in OuO:
New on 1.3b:<br>-Added an on-screen options button for users without a menu button.<br><br>On 1.3:<br>-Tilt to the left or right to wink<br>-Face selection menu<br>-0u0 now reacts to being left idle for a while and picking him up again later<br>-Also reacts to being plugged to a power source<br>-Sleep prevention mode to prevent the screen from turning off<br>-The mood bar can now be manually modified<br>-Changed shake behavior. It now requires a longer and more violent shake.<br>-Settings are now retained after closing the app
Download apk from Google Play

Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • Say bukan robot agrss

  • Saya bukan robot agrss

  • hey you :) ehhrheheheh

  • saya teringin nak tengok awak bercakap

  • Mcm mna nak buat app ni ada ckp

  • Nk ouo tu punye subtatel

  • Macam mana nak download

  • Maaf sudah buat buat awak marah

  • Saya mintak maaf sebab marah

  • Just litl bit okay


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