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For Android: 4.0 and up Guide: Places Progressive Method cheats tutorial
When updated: 2021-02-13 Star Rating: 0
Name: Places Progressive Method hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: BloomingKids Software File Name: air.com.bloomingkids.PlacesProgMetd
Current Version: 1.0 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 5-7 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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About the application:

The setting dialog box offers four categories of choices. These categories are Mode, Settings, Distracter, and Selection. Mode Training This tool uses numbers to train listening and matching skills. Test Here, the student can try him/herself. Report This displays results of the “Try”. The report (Holds Only 20 Records). Grade On/Off: If it is on, apk will monitor correct and wrong responses by the student Correct Reply: When a student response to a question with correct answer Wrong Reply: When a student response to a question with wrong answer Number of Total Attempt: Number of times a student tried to reply questions in the app. Bar Chart: Represents the student's performance graphically. Detail Report: Try results including the grade. object identified, distracter and time taken to finish the test. Print: This will print the grade or data on the screen. Settings Prompt (Animation) When this is checked, the correct put animates in ten seconds to assist the student to identify the correct reply. Uncheck this feature to disable it. Command Text When this is checked, a short text appears at the bottom of the screen. It tells the student which stuff to identify. If unchecked, the text won't be visible. Distracter A “distracter” here means an incorrect choice. Places When this is chosen, distracters are all places. Non-places If this option is chosen, distracters are not territories but some another items. Mixed Distracters are either territories or non-places. Selection The first put (Airport) is the default. Any put can be chosen from the list shown under “Selection”. Ok Click on the “Fine” button to begin this tool. This “Progressive Way” is designed to introduce the territories to the student one by one. This way allows the student to master the territories' names gradually. This “ Progressive Way ” runs through seven stages: Stage 1 Introduction. The chosen put picture moves from the left side to the center of the screen and a hero points to the picture and pronounces its name. This continues until the student clicks the “>>” button to move to the next stage. Stage 2 Single Item. In Scene 2, the student is asked to search the put introduced in Stage1. When the student clicks on the put, he/she is taken to the next stage. Stage 3 One Distracter. The put introduced in Scene 1 and other picture as distracter are shown and the student is asked to search the put. When the student clicks on the correct put, the next “search” question comes up. As long as the student clicks on the correct put, he/she stays in Scene 3. The student can move on to next scene by clicking the “>>” button. If the student clicks on the wrong put, then the tool returns the student to Scene 1, the Introduction Stage. Stage 4 Two Distracters. In Scene 4, the put introduced in Scene 1 and two another pictures as distracters are shown on the screen and the student is asked to search the put introduced in Scene 1. As long as the student clicks on the correct put, the student remains in Scene 4. When the student clicks on a wrong put, he/she is taken back to Scene 1. Stage 5 Three Distracters. The put is shown with three another pictures as distracters. If the student clicks on the wrong place. Stage 6 Combinations. The put that the student identified in Stages 1 through 5 will appear as a distracter or as the put to be identified. Other put, (which the student learned earlier) will also appear as a distracter or the put to be identified. If the student clicks on the wrong place. Stage 7 This is the latest scene. In this Scene, the student is asked to identify all the territories he/she has learned so far. If the student clicks on the wrong place. >> When the student clicks on the “>>” button, the tool introduces the next put in the list. << At any time the student can move backward by clicking the “<<” button when the button is visible.

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