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For Android: 4.1 and up Guide: RawVision cheats tutorial
When updated: 2019-10-09 Star Rating: 3.41
Name: RawVision hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: caketuzz File Name: com.caketuzz.RawVision
Current Version: 1.6.14 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 10000- Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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About the application:

RawVision is a complete solution for your photographic workflow, in between the camera and the computer. NEW: cast your images to the TV with the chromecast Transfer, organize, sort, rate, categorize, play, pixel-peep, edit, share to social networks RawVision lets you do all that and more in a ludic yet strong method. You will not go to the computer anymore. This application is especially intended for Android device tablets, but it will work very well with smartphones too. Please test the demo ver before purchasing the apk, to ensure your file format and connectivity is supported. Don't hesitate to contact us directly if you need help Follow RawVision on G+ https://plus.google.com/b/115688227829924074471/115688227829924074471/posts Features - RawVision supports Nikon NEF, Canon .CR2 , SONY .ARW, Pentax .PEF and .DNG and Samsung .SRW files, Olympus .ORF, Panasonic RW2, Fujifilm's .RAF. - opens only thumbnails for Leica M DNG and Nikon D100 Nef files - JPEG and PNG - preview of .MOV files(Android>3.0) - Transfer from: camera usb connection(MTP/PTP), usb external reader, Eye-Fi and advanced local browsing - Bookmark your favorite places - Gallery display. Choose a file with a click. To perform batch actions, choose all the files and press the action button on the bottom-right of the screen. - Choose a rating and category in full Ssreen to assist sort images. Import to LightRoom with the XMP sidecar files. You can also define your own category labels. - FullScreen view You can browse all the images by sweeping the screen right or left. There are invisible places on the left and right to quickly change photo. Zoom on images with a pinch. Delete a image right away start a slideshow Check the histogram and Exifs Toggle the actions bar with a single tap, double tap to have the image fit to screen - Photo editor Edit and process your images with the embbeded editor. Compatible with Aviary filters. - Import Files You can import chosen files by selecting a root folder, then a name for the fresh import folder - or the current date. You can also select to rename the files and delete them after import. Import also works directly from your camera via USB. - Delete files You can delete files either one a time or a few in a batch by choosing them before. - JPEG extraction Extract a JPEG preview of the RAW files with resize and auto-rotate options. You can extract a few files in a batch. - Share Files - "Begin with..." "Share" your files with another apks on your Android device device. Sketch an extracted preview, begin a video file, share by fb, twitter, send by email, shop on dropbox etc... - Rename files - Eye-Fi support Eye-Fi needs a tiny configuration. You could be able to use AP mode if you registered your device wihtin the card.(With the official apk for example) - but Not inspected yet Otherwise the direct mode works great. First connect the device to the WiFi AP (Ey-fi card in direct mode) with the wpa2 key in the Eye-Fi Center desktop app. Then in RawVision, enter the uploadKey - please google how to receive it. Choose the destination folder and begin the service. Photos will then appear as they are sent from the camera. Note: you cannot use Eye-Fi service while other eyefi apk is running. Is your RAW format not supported: send us samples to http://www.dropitto.me/dropyourraw (pwd: raw) /!\ Please taken a few seconds to rate the application on the Android device Shop. /!\ Don't hesitate to send comments by email, feedback is very necessary to improve the application's quality. /!\ If you have question, send an email, we are eager to provide you the fastest replies possible

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Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • Constantine Barkanov: Спасение а не программа. ( можно сразу после съёмок в дороге отобрать и поставить звезды и даже часть проявить. Ждем ручных настроек цветов и кривых в режиме редактирования. Спасибо автору огроменное
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-03-04

  • Paul Boon: Works good, perfect feature set and a must have apk when out shooting. This is a good application with its Raw file help. I utilise the apk in my main workflow when out shooting. Camera is connected to TP-Link Router via usb, Smartphone is connected via WIFI and Controls the Camera settings and used as a remote shutter,I then have Raw Vision running on a Nexus 7 over Wireless connection to view photos as the camera takes them (File transfers/sync controlled via Tasker). Of all the photo viewer/gallery apks i have inspected for use as a follow shot monitor or photo viewer Raw Vision beats them all for its clean UI, intuitive controls and flexibility to be able to let fast edits and sharing although these are minor when out shooting. it comes into its own for its RAW file handling and JPG handling and is especially good for its EXIF and histogram overlays. If i had one request it would be for a setting to enable auto refresh of the main gallery view and to be able in settings to specify a time that the refresh would happen say every 30 secs or 1 min. When using Eyefi photos auto appear but if photos are transferred in the background you have to use the manual refresh icon, it would be nice if they showed up automatically.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-02-03

  • Ivan Krolo: Played with it on a Nexus 10 and it seems like it should come in handy to rate the files and import into Lightroom 4. I initially had problems with Lightroom 4 reading the XMPs but it turned out to be a Lightroom problem, so this is looking awesome so far.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-03-07

  • Ewan Clydesdale: Good apk if you wish to view, edit or process RAW files on your smartphone or even large-screen smartphone. An additional star to the developer for taking a recommendation from me and incorporating in a fresh ver of the apk less than 48 hours later!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-02-02

  • Ste Rob: Very awesome apk for raw raffle and jpeg files using android device smartphone for editing.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-11-21

  • A Google user: very nice works good
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-08-10

  • A Google user: Simple to use, although I did have a question. I did not understand how to achieve full screen view. Technical help response was almost immediate and resolved the problem right away. Tip was to long press on the image. You can also do a long press on the folder entries, either to register (remove) as favorite or make a fresh folder.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-07-04

  • TONY McKenna: About time perfect
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-07-31

  • A Google user: As a photographer who shoots only raw I was looking for an apk which will read raw files directly from my camera. Finally I found this apk which it's recent ver enables me to do that. The developer is also very responsive so, all together it was one of the smartest purchase I did.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-09-15

  • A Google user: I like to shoot sports with my Canon 30D set to rapid-fire, and I generate dozens of useless shots. This apk lets me preview them all, full-screen, in Raw format, and re-name the keepers, and delete the rest, all on my Asus Transformer. I search it loads the Raw photos faster than Canon Digital Photo Pro does on my PC. Also good for when you just wish to quickly present someone the pics on the camera. Best of all, the developer is very responsive to questions and is begin to recommendations for more/improved features.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-05-24

  • Bar Kaynine: Attractive photo viewer . . .
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-04-10

  • Vivekanand Vellingiri: Awesome development fixed the bug I found out in no time....
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-01-22

  • A Google user: After latest modernize the pictures can be rated while reviewing. The editor editor now saves 2048 jpg of the edited raw file. Writes an xmp file to the raw file which holds the details for the rating and label - raw droid, however rates the photos without extra files.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-02-03

  • Glenn Greenfield: Love the Favorites feature. This is excellent for direct access to the directory w/ the photos instead of navigating your method to it each time. For example: /storage/sdcard2/DCIM/100CANON
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-02-26

  • A Google user: I'm really satisfied with this tool so far. After downloading and playing with three or four another raw viewers, I picked this one because it supported a lot of various raw formats and had a well organized player interface. The only thing I want it had was the ability to import images directly off the camera (example: I plug my Canon T3i into my Galaxy Tab 7 Plus using the USB adaptor. Gallery recognizes the device but doesn't see the RAWs, but you can't browse to the camera using RAWvision)
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-06-25

  • Curt Kastler: I use this to preview photos on my smartphone, and perform some extracts while on the street without my laptop with Lightroom.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-05-26

  • A Google user: It's a beautiful awesome RAW viewing apk, with lots of awesome features, but there are a few things I'd like to see changed for sure. 1. Tap (or Double-Tap) thumbnail for full screen view - "Tap & keep & choose present full screen" from a pop-up menu is method too convoluted a way to view full screen. Tapping thumbs is the standard method view photos full screen. 2. Detect jpeg orientation in exif - currently, some jpegs shot vertically are displayed horizontally...but I suspect this is per-camera problem, what with the method various manufacturers place that data under various headings in exif etc.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-07-14

  • A Google user: I tried a few of the another RAW viewing apks along with this one. Hands down, this was the best for me reading CR2 files. RawVision is crucial for me as I need a backup (my Samsung Galaxy Tab) for the a lot of RAW files I shoot when I travel. As mentioned by the developer test the demo first to ensure your files are being read. This was the only apk that didn't crash when reading CR2 files. I'm looking forward to future releases especially one adding a renaming function. REVISED REVIEW: My initial review was written on April 5. I was very satisfied with the apk and still am. In that first review I mentioned how I'd like to see a renaming function added. Within a short time I received an email from the developer who wrote that he was satisfied I was satisfied with the apk. Also, he wrote he will add a file renaming function. One day later, April 6, I received an email from Emmanuel, the developer, alerting me there is an modernize accessible with the file renaming function. Sure enough, I updated RawVision and I was able to rename files very easily. For those of you who like the safety of having backups of your RAW files on your smartphone I highly suggest you test RawVision. A good apk!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-04-08

  • Pete Cobbe: this is a must have apk for any photographer who has to sort through large shoots. its auto advance feature makes it so east to use. no longer do i have to be stuck in front of may laptop for hours to sort and rate wedding images and stusio shots. I now plug my hard drive in to my transformer smartphone, rate teh photos in rawvision and use the scnyronise feature in light room once i have dorted the shoot so to modernize the catalouge. modernize i have noticed that ratings to jpeg files are not being picked up by lightroom. is there anthing that can be done about this?
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-01-03

  • Erez Gurari: Used to import pictures from my Nikon to my galaxy s4. Since the modernize, it has stopped :(
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-09-30

  • Graham Hilling: A very usable browser and organiser for your photos. Auto advance makes rating and sorting photos a breeze! Top marks! Still the best on the go organiser if you use Adobe LR.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-09-30

  • Balderas Jose: It was a error when updating the apk. I had to install once more, but thanks to Emmanuel for the assist 5 stars
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-07-22

  • A Google user: I use this apk with a Nexus 7 4G, hooked up straight to my Canon 5D or 5D MkII. In the studio, it means I don't have to pull the CF card and go to my computer; in the field, I don't need to bring a laptop to view my photos at a decent photo size. Tech help is good; I've never waited longer than a day for an reply.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-02-02

  • Mike Newman: Works good for what I need.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-11-10

  • A Google user: The best RAW viewing apks, the developer also answer quick when i asked for Fujifilm RAF file not included on the apks.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-04-11

  • Jason S: I always shoot RAW with my DSLR. At home I use Lightroom to edit, touch up and post my images. However, this past November I was travelling and using my Samsung Galaxy Tab3 to work with my images. I required an apk that would let me to convert the RAW photos into jpg thus allowing me to post the phots where I wanted to and to be able to contain them in my blog. A fast find on the Play Shop and up came the demo ver of this tool. After trying it out on a few images and exploring the features, I purchased the Apk on the spot. This does all I am looking for and more. Simple to use and simple to learn. I was really impressed with the help I received from the developers. I had a question/suggestion about how to do something and they replied right away and within a day or so the option that I was looking for was included in an modernize. Also looking at the reviews on the website here, I truly feel that the developers are listening. This is my go to image apk on my smartphone. I highly suggest it to everyone. I am not sure if this is a feature that has been added or is included, but I would love the chance to add a watermark to the images as they are exported.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-06-30

  • Brian Thompson: Reads my Nikon D5000 RAW .NEF files flawlessly. The developer is extremely fast to answer to any recommendations. Highly suggest anything Caketuzz does. I also use it with the Eye-Fi and it works good as well, allowing me to automagically transfer and view my images on my Nexus 7 in just a few seconds.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-07-09

  • Bill Jastrow: I have been using RawVision for almost a year and it has evolved into a strong, mature product that I rely on to work with my Nikon RAW (.NEF) photos. It's quick, reliable, and on those rare occasions I've required it, help has been prompt and helpful.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-07-27

  • Michael Lesnick: I've tried all the raw image editing apks and this one is by far the best. The transition time between photos is good and everything is intuitive and simple to use. Good job!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-05-31

  • A Google user: Has fixed the crash always when trying to edit picture. Editor has changed to understandable figures. A lot of fresh things introduced. When tried to edit file and it doesn't crash receive me jubilating.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-09-05

  • Chris Baker: Works good on Samsung Pro 12.2 Note and Nikon d5300.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-12-11

  • Chester Omorodion: Good
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-12-03

  • Phil D: Awesome
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-12-06

  • Niel H: I was in Germany a few weeks ago with all my camera gear and my cell smartphone, no laptop w RAW image editing power... enter RAW VISION. I can quickly edit my favorite RAWS and share them until I got back home and did the true nitty-gritty editing. Thanks for your hard work devs!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-11-08

  • Julian Pardo: Outstandig!!!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-01-11

  • Ana-Marija Spajic: It's excellent for editing and uploading photos while traveling. But where are my edited pictures?! Spent ages editing, clicked "done" and then it's just gone. :S EDIT: bought the full ver and it's working now. Still struggle to save the photos in jpg and have to import them to other image editor and save, but the apk is good anyway!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-08-02

  • Tim Kilpert: I love that I can review my raw files on my smartphone (Note3) or on my smartphone (10.5 tab S). No issues with the demo ver or the paid ver. All the additional features are totally worth the cash. It's good to be able to zoom in on MOV files. I can suggest this apk for Nikon (D7100) players.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-06-31

  • A Google user: RawVision works perfectly with my Canon 5D Tag II and my Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 I can finally ditch my stupid iPad 2. It does need a prettier icon though.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2011-09-18

  • Charly S.: Hello developers, I am having issues using my purchased effects in aviary. I am getting errors all the time. :-$
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-08-12

  • Z Kent Yousif: This is exactly the companion my smartphone and dslr were looking for 😊
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-06-03


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