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For Android: 8.0 Guide: Smart- Baby Sleep Coaching cheats tutorial
When updated: 2022-11-24 Star Rating: 0
Name: Smart- Baby Sleep Coaching hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: DrMother File Name: com.smartbabysleepcoaching
Current Version: 2.5 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 1000-3463 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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Smart- Baby Sleep Coaching Gameplay, Trailers and Related Videos

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Watch Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers video.

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Watch What is the Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers app? How it works and how it helps babies get more sleep. video.

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Watch Baby sleep training: No cry video.

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Watch Pediatrician's Top Tips For Sleep Training and Teaching Your Baby to Sleep Through the Night video.

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Watch Baby Sleep Music. Gentle Lullabies to help Little Ones to Relax, Calm and Sleep Peaceful. video.

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Watch Baby sleep help tips for newborn to two year old - Smart Sleep Coach App by Pampers #sleeptraining video.

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About the application:

Please scroll further for the languages German and Turkish. **********************************ENGLISH********************************** The "Smart- Baby Sleep Coaching" apk contains the following features: 🌼 Automatic baby sleep analysis based on made logs 🌼 Creating automatic sleep training steps based on made logs 🌼 Automatically make sleep schedules based on wake time or bedtime 🌼 Creation of sleep routines 🌼 Creation of sleep logs (just a few clicks) 🌼 Summary and comparison of made sleep protocols 🌼 Sleep training suitability try with automatic growth spurt analysis by date of birth 🌼 Vaccination calendar (Germany / Turkey) analysis by date of birth 🌼 The application supports three languages: English, Turkish and German In summary: Apart from creating automatic sleep training steps, "Smart- Baby Sleep Coaching" also answers your questions such as "Why does my baby wake up frequently or are the number of night waking's is within the normal range for the baby's age?“ The consultancy suggestions in "Smart- Baby Sleep Coaching" were made by researching nearly 200 sources. The source of each suggestion is indicated in references. Although the data in "Smart- Baby Sleep Coaching" is prepared for 4-36 months old babies, the suggested age range is 6-24 months. "Smart- Baby Sleep Coaching" does not replace your sleep consultant, specialist or doctor. **********************************DEUTSCH********************************** "Smart- Baby Sleep Coaching" beinhaltet folgende Features: 🌼 Automatische Babyschlafanalyse basierend auf erstellten Protokollen 🌼 Automatische Generierung von Schlaftrainingsschritten basierend auf erstellten Protokollen 🌼 Automatische Erstellung von Schlafplänen je nach Aufwach- oder Schlafenszeit 🌼 Erstellung von Schlafroutinen 🌼 Erstellung von Schlafprotokollen (sehr einfach und nur mit wenigen Klicks) 🌼 Zusammenfassung und Vergleich erstellter Schlafprotokolle 🌼 Schlaftraining-Eignungstest mit automatischer Wachstumsschubanalyse 🌼 Impfkalender-Analyse (Deutschland / Türkei) Neben der Erstellung automatischer Schlaftrainingsschritte beantwortet "Smart- Baby Sleep Coaching" auch Ihre Fragen wie „Warum wacht mein Baby häufig auf oder liegt die Anzahl des nächtlichen Aufwachens für das Alter des Babys im normalen Bereich?“ Die Beratungsempfehlungen in "Smart- Baby Sleep Coaching" wurden durch die Recherche von quick 200 Quellen erstellt. Die Quelle jeder Empfehlung ist in Referenzen angegeben. Obwohl die Daten in "Smart- Baby Sleep Coaching" für Babys im Alter von 4 bis 36 Monaten erstellt wurden, beträgt die empfohlene Altersspanne 6 bis 24 Monate. Sie können "Smart- Baby Sleep Coaching" als Unterstützung verwenden. Die Anwendung ersetzt nicht Ihren Schlafberater, Facharzt oder Arzt. **********************************TÜRKÇE********************************** "Smart- Baby Sleep Coaching" uygulaması aşağıdaki özellikleri içermektedir: 🌼 Oluşturulan günlüklere dayalı otomatik bebek uyku analizi 🌼 Oluşturulan günlüklere göre otomatik uyku eğitimi adımlarının oluşturulması 🌼 Uyanma saatine veya yatma saatine göre otomatik olarak uyku planın oluşturulması 🌼 Uyku rutinlerinin oluşturulması 🌼 Uyku günlüklerinin oluşturulması (sadece birkaç tıklama) 🌼 Oluşturulan uyku protokollerinin özeti ve karşılaştırması 🌼 Doğum tarihine göre otomatik büyüme atağı analizi ile uyku eğitimi uygunluk testi 🌼 Doğum tarihine göre aşı takvimi (Almanya / Türkiye) analizi Kısaca: "Smart- Baby Sleep Coaching", otomatik uyku eğitimi adımları oluşturmanın yanı sıra, "Bebeğim neden sık uyanıyor veya gece uyanma sayısı bebeğin yaşına göre normal aralıkta mı?" gibi sorularınıza da cevap veriyor. Uygulamadaki veriler 4-36 aylık bebekler için hazırlanmış olsa da tavsiye edilen yaş aralığı 6-24 aydır. Uygulamayı destek olarak kullanabilirsiniz. Uygulama, uyku danışmanın, uzmanın yada doktorun yerine geçmez.

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