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For Android: 4.2 and up Guide: SnapEval cheats tutorial
When updated: 2020-02-13 Star Rating: 0
Name: SnapEval hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: SnapEval, LLC File Name: com.snapeval.snapeval2
Current Version: 3.21 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 500- Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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SnapEval Gameplay, Trailers and Related Videos

Watch SnapEval, LLC video.

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Watch SnapEval® Mobile App for Continuous Performance Management video.

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Watch SnapEval 2.0: Welcome to SnapEval 2.0! video.

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Watch SnapEval video.

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Watch SnapEval 2.0 Webinar: Introduction to Continuous Performance Management video.

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Watch SnapEval® Mobile App for Continuous Performance Management video.

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Watch Introduction to SnapEval 2.0 video.

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Watch SnapEval 2.0 Smart Grouping Introduction video.

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Watch SnapEval 2.0: Smart Grouping Introduction video.

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Watch SnapEval 2.0: Setting up a Free SnapEval 2.0 Account video.

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About the application:

SnapEval® is easy, effective, FREE or ultra-affordable Continuous Performance Management for little and midsize firms. Improve or replace annual performance reviews! Simple, easy-to-use, and effective… - SnapEval enables a feedback ‘snapshot’ (an ‘Eval’) to be captured instantly on a phone, smartphone, or computer, so it’s most accurate and isn’t forgotten. - Voice-to-text help eliminates typing, so capturing an Eval only takes seconds. - An Eval can be shared with the recipient immediately (excellent for a thank you or acknowledgement) or sharing can be deferred until after a conversation with the recipient (preferable for developmental feedback), so it’s most effective when delivered. When shared, the Eval content is emailed to the feedback recipient and can be viewed by the recipient in the SnapEval mobile apk or web portal. - Each Eval contains a Value/Skill/Goal/Competency, an Achievement Level, and a brief text note with Feedback Info. These are the same elements used in traditional performance appraisals, so SnapEval is intuitive to managers and employees. - Employees are not needed to have smartphones, computers, or email to keep feedback, so SnapEval supports all industries and job functions. - If desired, managers can automatically assemble shared Evals for an employee into a Modern Performance Appraisal document that summarizes the employee’s performance over a chosen period. It’s fast and simple for managers to make, and there are no unpleasant surprises for the employee, so a performance review meeting is far less stressful for everyone. FREE or ultra-affordable… - The SnapEval mobile apk works exclusively with an organization’s cloud-based SnapEval account. - Completely FREE for up to 10-users. No credit card needed. All features enabled. No time limitation. Not trial tool! Product help and acc configuration assistance included. - Ultra-affordable, per-user monthly subscription for larger squads and entire organizations. Billed monthly based on actual enrollments. No startup fees. No annual contract. Cancel anytime, and take your data with you. Puts HR Specialists in control... - Built-in dashboards and reporting provide comprehensive visibility to feedback levels and trends across the organization and for every department, role, and individual. - Automatic feedback queuing enables criteria such as a ‘low achievement level’ or ‘negative sentiment’ to be specified. Evals meeting the specified criteria are then automatically queued for review, editing, and approval/rejection by the HR Professional, prior to the Eval being shared with the recipient. This enables the HR Professional to proactively coach the feedback creator about the most effective methods to construct and deliver feedback. Includes advanced features that can be enabled incrementally and at any time… - 360 degree feedback - Feedback from external clients, customers, partners - Team feedback Deployment options… - Stand-alone (not integrated with ADP®) - Integrated with ADP Workforce Now® - Integrated with RUN Powered by ADP® Get started immediately! - Instantly make a FREE 10-user acc without risk, cost, or obligation at the SnapEval developer site or in the ADP Marketplace. - Download the gratis SnapEval Mobile apk and login. - Your SnapEval acc is pre-populated with sample players and data so you can begin using it immediately!

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