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For Android: 2.2 and up Guide: System Settings for Tasker cheats tutorial
When updated: 2021-03-30 Star Rating: 4.3488374
Name: System Settings for Tasker hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: David P. White File Name: com.whitedavidp.systemsettingsfortasker
Current Version: 2.6.8 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 1000-1189 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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About the application:

SSFT gives Tasker players access to Android device Settings info but does not enable the changing of Android device settings. SSFT does nothing on its own. It is an optional companion to Tasker. If you test to execute this apk when Tasker is not installed or enabled, you will see an error notice. You must enable Tasker's Let External Access setting located on the Misc tab. Fix the problem, re-start this apk, and enable this apk via its menu to proceed. Most of what is described below is case-sensitive. Be exactly correct in what you are entering. There are three, broad sets of Setting data and SSFT searches for info in the following order: System Safe Global (Android device 4.2+) Please understand that you must use a setting's constant string value with SSFT. For example, the System setting known as BLUETOOTH_ON has a constant string bluetooth_on and this is the name to use with SSFT. So let's receive started. As a easy try case to receive started, we will use the bluetooth_on setting since it is readily accessible on most devices. On the SSFT main page, select Add from the menu. Enter bluetooth_on for name and my_bluetooth_on for nickname. Press OK. The resulting entry in the list means that SSFT will monitor for changes to the data for the setting bluetooth_on and will notify Tasker when its value changes. Assuming the bluetooth radio is turned ON when you performed the Add, SSFT will shop a value of 1 for bluetooth_on. 1 means the bluetooth radio is on. 0 means the bluetooth radio is off. So if you now turn bluetooth off, the setting bluetooth_on changes to 0 and SSFT sends an intent notice to Tasker. You need a Tasker profile that receives the intent. The action for the Intent Received must be com.whitedavidp.systemsettingsfortasker.SETTING_UPDATE. With this, Tasker can take note of the changed setting. When SSFT sends an intent, it contains two pieces of additional data: nick_name and current_value. In this case, the value for nick_name is my_bluetooth_on and current_value is the setting's value when the intent was sent (in this case either 1 or 0). When processing the Intent Received, Tasker will automatically create this additional data accessible to your task steps as local variables %nick_name and %current_value respectively. Now associate the fresh Tasker profile with a task. To create this simple, we will just create Tasker present an alert whenever a SSFT intent is received. Add a step to the task (Alert->Popup). In the popup task's Title place %nick_name. In the Text place %current_value. Once saved, Tasker could display a popup showing my_bluetooth_on as the title and either a 0 or a 1 in the detail text depending upon the current state of the the bluetooth radio. If you configure SSFT to monitor extra settings by adding them to the main page, you will receive a popup displayed whenever any one of the monitored settings changes. Test extending the list by adding wifi_on. Android device uses this setting to track the state of the wireless connection radio. When off, the value will be 0. When on, the value will be non-zero. Follow the same pattern as above for bluetooth_on but change the nickname to my_wifi_on. Once complete, you will see a popup every time either the bluetooth or wireless connection radios change their state. Obviously, this easy try case is of tiny value to anyone. But it demonstrates the basics. You can use the SSFT intent messages (and the values they include) within Tasker in any matter you select. But this all happens inside of Tasker, not in SSFT. So most of this up to you based on your needs. For more info, see the assist page in the apk. Please use the email link on this page or the app's About box for questions. Do not use reviews for this as they are too limited.

System Settings for Tasker Hack - Gallery:

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Changes in System Settings for Tasker:
Updated help file: when sending intents to control this app on Android 8+ you must specify the Target Package = com.whitedavidp.systemsettingsfortasker (doing on on lower Android versions is not required but does no harm).
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