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For Android: 4.1 Guide: Travex - Travel expenses and b cheats tutorial
When updated: 2022-10-12 Star Rating: 0
Name: Travex - Travel expenses and b hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: Damapio File Name: com.sibayak9.budget
Current Version: 1.14.2 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 1000-4642 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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About the application:

• ideal for frequent and long-term travelers, helps to control your expenses and save more cash on your trips • write down your expenses in multiple currencies by date, category, payment way and country. It converts all your expenses to your home currency • attach images of bills, receipts and entrance tickets • make folders for each of your trips, to hold your expenses organized and quickly accessible • set monthly and traveling budgets and check your everyday remaining budget • set repeating expenses, like multiple nights of accommodation • add your income records along your expenses, and use them to define budgets • check your total and average expenses as well as your savings, with a lot of filtering and find options • set various payment ways for your expenses: money, debit / credit card, bank transfer, mobile payment • copy your expenses to quickly duplicate them on a various date • contains a currency converter, with customizable exchange rates • protect your personal expenses with a password • online backup, so you don't lose your expenses even if you change phones • night mode with dark colors theme • Travex is an offline apk: no GPS and no wifi/data connection required. Save your battery while traveling! • Travex is a very little and lightweight apk: save the place in your SD card for more images! • Travex doesn’t have advertisements and it doesn’t share your private data. It includes optional bonus features in case that you wish to help the apk development Travex is an expense tracker apk, where you can set an infinite number of expenses, income recods, budgets and folders (wallets, trips). It's highly customizable: you can make your own categories (and subcategories) with colors and more than 80 icons to select from. You can also add pictures to your folders instead of icons. Travex converts all your expenses to your home currency, and offers a lot of methods to filter your expenses: by category, mark, country, payment way, cost, date, and text. And you can save your searches as shortcuts to use them once more in the future! I've been traveling around Europe, Asia and Oceania for the latest four years. At first I was carefree with my expenses, but at some point I realized that I should extend my trip method longer if I started acting smarter with my cash. I tried another budget apks, but then I decided to create my own to contain all the functionalities that I really need. I still wish to add some statistics so that I can compare in an easier method if, let's say, accommodation or meal was on average cheaper in this or that country. Travex is currently accessible in English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese and Russian. You can assist me with the translation to another languages, and also send me ideas for fresh functionalities! Thank you for using my apk. I hope that you like it and that you search it useful during your trips!

Travex - Travel expenses and b Hack - Gallery:

Travex - Travel expenses and b screenshot Travex - Travel expenses and b screenshot Travex - Travel expenses and b screenshot
Travex - Travel expenses and b hack free android guides videoreviews photos and help from pro players.
Changes in Travex - Travel expenses and b:
v1.14 • Technical update for compliance with Android 11 • New manual backup system • I really hope that we can go back to travelling soon 😢<br>v1.13 • Russian translation • Bug fixes<br>v1.12 • Create folders for each of your trips • Define different payment methods • Add income records alongside your expenses<br>v1.11 • IMPORTANT update for Google Drive backup users<br>v1.10 • Create subcategories • Filter and group with and without subcategories • More category icons • Ready for Android 10
Download apk from Google Play

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