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For Android: 4.0.3 and up Guide: UltraSound Detector cheats tutorial
When updated: 2022-02-09 Star Rating: 3.93
Name: UltraSound Detector hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: Sergio Gudkov File Name: com.microcadsystems.serge.ultrasounddetector
Current Version: 1.53 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 100000-469718 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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UltraSound Detector Gameplay, Trailers and Related Videos

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Watch Detector Fugas Ultrasonido - Como Funciona? 🎧🔊☠ video.

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Watch Testing Air Brakes using Ultrasound Detector UL101.mpg video.

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Watch UL101 Ultrasound Detector Overview video.

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Watch 🔥 Ultrasound Non-Destructive Testing Overview video.

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About the application:

UltraSound Detector is the Apk that allows you to detect ultrasound (ultrasonic) acoustic signals above the user-defined frequency (above 18 KHz by default). This detector can be useful in following cases: To check out the work-ability of different numbers of Ultrasonic electronic pest and insect repellent devices as well as any ultrasound emission devices if they work in the appropriate frequency range. To locate the leak detection in air condition and refrigeration systems. You are probably familiar with the hissing sound a really big leak makes. Smaller leaks also emit sound, however the frequency is too high for our ears to detect it. An ultrasonic leak detector lets the ultrasonic hissing sound be detected. Some leaks can be detected from a few feet away, therefore access to the leak is not always necessary. To detect the presence of Ultrasonic Cross-Device Tracking technology in some public territories. The technology embeds high-frequency tones that are inaudible to humans in ads, web pages, and even physical places like retail stores. These "ultrasonic beacons" emit their audio sequences with speakers, and almost any device microphone—like those accessed by an apk on a phone or tablet—can detect the signal and begin to place together a picture of what advertisements you've seen, what websites you've perused, and even where you've been. To search out the voice to skull devices (V2K technology). This device is a weapon use for transmitting voices with low or high frequencies. Voices can be for commands or harassment attacks that may look like the target individual's own voice. Voice to skull technology is sometimes referred to as “synthetic telepathy.” To detect some type of ultrasonic weapons, that cause physical pain without human detection. To check out the quality of tremble sounds (high frequency) of your loudspeakers. Result of detection can be shown on the screen in the foreground mode and also be presented in the notification form and (or) by sound (vibration) in the background mode when the screen of the Android device device is turned off. The upper working frequency is depend on the audio specification of the current Android device device and can be reached up to 150 KHz if the external ultrasound microphone or sensor is used. Nevertheless, the internal microphone also can be used to determine the ultrasound signal but sensitivity and the upper frequency will be worse depending on the quality of the internal microphone. Moreover, the Apk is using an oversampling feature. So, you can see for example 25 KHz ultrasound even if your device digitizes only 22 KHz audio (44 KHz sample rate). Features. Completely NO ads. The signal level indication. Vibration indication of the alarm event. Event log is recorded automatically. Signal spectrum and place info can be included. The converter ultrasonic signals into audible sounds. So you can hear ultrasonic signals. Background mode with notifications. Once this option starts, the Apk runs quietly in the background and requires no human interaction until the alarm happening happens. It continues to run even after the device reboots. Adjustable battery consumption in the background mode. The Apk is designed to conserve your device battery and allows to choose the data modernize rate. The more modernize rate time, the less battery it takes. Comprehensive spectrum analysis with various methods to display results: spectrum, waterfall, oscilloscope. Adjustable frequency range and selectable frequency resolution between 2.5 and 50 Hz. If you have any issues or any recommendations to improve this application, please feel gratis to contact by e-mail: [email protected] Thanks!

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Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • LLEWELLYN Mr: Loved It
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-04-19

  • A Google user: Used this to try the cat scarer in front garden is working, the dog keeps the cats out of the back garden ☺️
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-08-24

  • HIGHBRID BBX: Maa ka bhosad,mc
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-12-08

  • Randy Smith: Perfect for detecting the place of that high pitchedl "cricket" noise and recording its parameters before you blame the neighbors.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2020-12-07

  • A Google user: More then expected
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-01-11

  • Ian Parr: Brilliant work!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-05-08

  • Adri Maartens: I have been harassed and abused by evil people inflicting pain on my body. This apk SHOWS the high levels-100% and TELL me that the perpetrators is "unknown operatives" My cell smartphone was also violated with an APT attack. I NOW HAVE PROOF. ThANKYOU very very much. You are a GENIUS.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-10-19

  • A Google user: Finally, a method to become aware of sonic weapons that make a phenomenon called "synthetic telepathy"... not just voices in your head, artificially produced subliminal messages. You may reason better once you message the trend of the graph tracking and matching the din!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-03-14

  • bobby bruffett: awesome united states of america!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-01-16

  • NoneOf YourBusiness: Opened fresh globe.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-03-15

  • Max Power: Very cool, thank you for your hard work! I would the ability to zoom in on the waterfall.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2020-04-09

  • Venc Dee: Very useful apk. It creates log record for each ultrasound happening. Proposal for enhancement: it would be nice if logs contained beside time, levels, gps also SPECTRUM SAMPLE (therefore one should know which frequency peaks exactly triggered the alarm). On my smartphone it can detect at least 30kHz, although by using max accessible sampling frequency(192kHz) it should do much more, I suppose external hi-sens mic would be required for such measurements (inspected on H.Honor7). Second proposal for logs: please add another SENSORS state especially magnetic field state(compass), device vibrations and place orientation as ultrasound is often creating in transportation. I often hear upleasant whizz at some territories, this apk can present why and that your ears are fine and not tinnitus :) Please players don't be childish and give one star if your device mic is filtered, the blame is on the device manufacturers side!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-09-27

  • Chris Stewart: You know those electronic pest repellents? A lot of them don't actually do anything - they don't create any sounds. This tool will tell you if the things are actually doing their job.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-02-09

  • A Google user: This rumor better not be real what i been hearing. Just pray that its created up!!!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-05-05

  • Robbie Robsz: Charli xcx is the reason... 😎📱🎃
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-10-22

  • A Google user: One of the best apks ever.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-11-15

  • Salestine Thet Khaing: I test
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-05-23

  • Aryan Zijlstra: Good apk. Especially suggested to people that hear voices in their head. This tool wil prove that the secret services all over the globe have been using bats to transmit ultrasonic messages (which humans cannot hear) to vote for Trump. Obviously those messages have ended but now you will hear all kinds of commands to obey the governmend and pay your taxes. And occasionally you might hear God talking in his ultrasonic voice.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-04-20

  • Rodgers James: apk works Awesome
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-04-05

  • A Google user: Usefull apk for ultrasonic use.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2020-02-17

  • B G: It does Work, i used this apk to try an ultrasonic rat repellent i bought from amazon, because rats created the vehicle engine there home to stay warm, i noticed meal bones and nesting materials in the engine place, after i bought the ultrasonic repellent no more meal bones or nesting materials. But was curious if there were a method to try ultrasonic sounds, and thanks to the developer of this apk, there is. Must be a genius to make such an apk that detects ultrasounds, Thank you :)
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-12-21

  • zahid fedial: Good 👍👍👍👍👍👍 We are thankful for people like you who place the knowledge into practice to protect freedom of humanity ((Mind)) versus those who maliciously abusers of such marvelous human technology.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-08-25

  • Ömer Aydın: Works ok on samsung galaxy s7
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-02-28

  • One BadWolf: Working good on my Moto G3.I have a commercial Ultrasonic detector, and this is almost as awesome. It would be nice if the tool would transpose the audio into the range of human hearing. My commercial one doors that. It was also $600.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-07-18

  • Troy U.: Good apk. Am able to log all threats from 20 KHz surveillance threats.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2020-05-20

  • Tc Kua: Responsive and quite accurate
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2020-06-06

  • Nate DiZzLe fo ShiZzLe: this apk has helped locate suspicious of activities around my house (long story), so thank you very much for your ingenious application. i do have one question tho.... when u are using the place and you keep the coordinates, what does ACC refer to? is that the +/- amount of Meters of the coordinate's place in regards to the sound being identified or?
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-07-19

  • Luis Gonzalez: Official mic producer in any melody barranca figures the heads done with my meeting with my meeting with the squad and receive paid on Friday night so well for the boy scouts to be realest nothing to do with the boy vino you have a awesome night so well with the family for the holidays and the gas station and said she was going walking around the cribo the crib hopefully you can receive a keep on my acc for me to roll out there besides the point where going walking to be realest awesome morning hatchy tonnine the house and talk about the info of the another ones
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-10-22

  • JAMES TERRY: There may be something wrong. My voice sets it off. My basic care physician at the VA doesn't mention it.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-01-30

  • Harry H Hart III: Very feature-rich application. I use it everyday with very tiny battery drain. Only want I should narrow the frequency range better.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-03-15

  • Filip Stojanovic: Cool apk like the infrasound one, would appreciate merging the two apks tho
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-05-11

  • Jarkko S. Hakala: This actually worked. I installed 6 spectrum analyzers before this. Only one allowed to scan > 48khz and for unknown reasons didn't pick my ultrasonic toothbrush. This one did.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2020-12-09

  • Johnnie Wolf: right now befire i begin into this apk and seriously change the fkeld for me tl even hear of thks concept. thank u ultrasound. next gamma and mocrkwave please i need primary scintific droid durwbikity sensor for humanwaves......newterm? just thkught of it. thank you RNRXO OVER AND OUT.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-01-10

  • Ellie Bee: Inspected. Works.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-10-07

  • Lesia DiPenta: Good idea, awesome apk. Thank you
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-11-10

  • Zoran Nikolic: 5star
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-02-26

  • Naima Hassan: this apk can present how your health is going
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2020-04-14

  • A Google user: Just verified that I am a victim of electronic stalking. EXCELLENT!!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-12-29

  • Rick Moreberry1954: Excelente fantástico
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-08-27

  • Aditya Kasyap: Guys, I given 5 🌟🌟🌟🌟 rating for this application bcoz it is able to fool you smart people, use common sense mirophone in your phone is Designed to hear only audible sounds i.e. between 20hz to 20khz.... And not for detection of ultrasounds...
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-06-22


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