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For Android: 2.3 and up Guide: XWidget Pro cheats tutorial
When updated: 2018-03-05 Star Rating: 3.6
Name: XWidget Pro hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: SuperDesk Software File Name: com.xwidgetsoft.xwidget_pro
Current Version: V1.3.6 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 5000-10000 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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Watch Xwidget pro personalizaçāo simples e legal (download na discrição) video.

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Watch xwidget download for free android device official video Full HD video.

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Watch Como baixar a Play Store Pro, e o XWidget Pro video.

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Watch Descarga y PERSONALIZA los MEJORES WIDGETS de paga [GRATIS] para Windows 10 | 7 | 8.1 video.

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Watch Galaxy S8 Widgets for any Android Device No Root!! video.

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Watch Xwidget on windows 8 pro video.

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About the application:

XWIDGET PRO VERSION EXTRA FEATURES:- Access to the whole online gallery and Infinite download (more than 1800 widgets and counting..)- More CORES supported like cpu, ram, calendar, image album etc ported from the XWidget pc ver (future updates)- Additional Weather detailed info screen- No any Advertisements BannerTRY XWIDGET FREE VERSION:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.xwidgetsoft.xwidget------------------------------------XWidget is the Android device ver of the popular Gratis desktop customization platform "XWidget" for Windows. A very lightweight and highly customizable widget engine with strong visual widget editor.Please help us to continue the development of our application and provide more cool widgets for you!-----------------------------------------------[Feature]1. Provides a fresh method to DIY widgets for Android.2. Cross-platform widget: the widget you make on PC can run both on Windows and Android device platform.More than 1600 widgets made for PC can be used on your Android device device or Smartphone! You can find on the official XWidget or on DeviantART.http://android.xwidget.com/orhttp://deviantart.com/?order=5&q=xwidget3. All the widgets can be resized on Android device 4.0+,otherwise you need custom launchers that help this function like ADW, Apex, GO Launcher, Nova etc.4. Visualization widget designer for Windows PC: you can make your own widgets with XWidgetDesigner for Windows,and One-key to send the widget to your Android device Device to preview or run.5. Supports hotspots.6. Runs on devices with old OS, Android device 2.1+7. Few resources taken: running the widget only needs 6-12M RAM, not using the CPU in peacetime.8. Very lightweight and Battery Friendly: Do not run any code or action after lock screen , has no result to the lifetime of the battery.9. Online widget gallery: One-touch to download and install widgets from online gallery. Really big number of widgets in online gallery, updated daily.Long press to delete the widget.10. Accuweather.com weather service for the weather widgets with up to 15 days forecast.11. All the widgets use the original file extension ".xwp" of XWidget.NO EXTRA ".app" files are installed in your phone.12. Requires only a few Permissions : only needs to write in external storage and access network Permissions.Without any residual background services and processes: When closing the widget it will completely exit without any permanent backstage to slow down the system.[Available sizes]1x1, 1x2, 1x4, 1x5, 2x1, 2x2, 2x4, 3x1, 3x2, 3x3, 3x4, 4x1, 4x2, 4x3, 4x4, 5x1, 5x2.[Permissions explained]write external storage - to save and load widgets.accsess network state - for weather data and download widget from gallery.[Tutorials]How install widgets on Android device phones: http://bbs.xwidget.com/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=3776Application's settings,modes,menus: http://bbs.xwidget.com/viewforum.php?f=23[Translator]Geman by DagedeeHungarian by Szabó IstvánIf you can assist to translate,please download this english language file: http://sdrv.ms/1eZcXmW[Special Thanks]Jimking,Slavoo,QianCang,Digigamer,Yereverluvinuncleber.[Note]Do not use any "Slay processes" or "Release memory" apk to slay the XWidget's process , Doing this will cause the clock widgets stop modernize. Or You can add XWidget to the ignore list .If your clock/weather widget stop modernize, please let XWidget Auto-Start in Android device Settings>Permissions

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Changes in XWidget Pro:
- UI upgraded with the addition of extra Weather detailed information screen. Touch on each day's weather conditions to see more details (Weather Information). - Fixed Weather auto-location problem - Fixed Weather occasionally crash problem - Fixed small bugs - New faster server - FAQ updated with more details about how to avoid and fix the datetime/weather freezing situation (this depends on the last Android versions that automatically kill background running apps to increase battery life)
Download apk from Google Play

Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • jen jen: Purchased and supported.i need full padding with my S8...as you said before I tried in the settings.. scaling in 100% already..that's not enough..it can't fit to full screen..
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-08-10

  • Marquis Davis: Have loved the gratis ver so much went ahead and bought this just to help the dev. So far works just as awesome as the gratis ver.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-08-08

  • Ognian Lipnichanski: Thanks, it works now better.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-11-13

  • Dize Odisu: It has The best weather widgets. The very best. Scroll through the collection and see. There are so a lot of awesome ones, I use 4 at the same time
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-11-15

  • Chris Ferrie: There are dozens of awesome looking home screen widgets in this apk. 5+ stars from me.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-10-07

  • Bryan Merrifield: I've been an X-Widget player for a long time but had no idea it had gone Pro !. I was perfectly satisfied with the Widget I was using and thought I'd have a browse as I fancied a change it was then I found it had a Pro Ver. I wonder how a lot of another players are completely unaware of the Pro ver. I can highly suggest this application it has a seemingly endless choice of widgets with lots of customizable options it's well worth the £1.99 asking price I hardly ever suggest apks but I'll suggest this one without hesitation..
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-09-11

  • Andrew Tan: Today the weather is not working once more.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-11-22

  • John Gaddis: Been using this for years on my PC's and phones.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-08-24

  • Inder Pahwa: Modernize #2: no problems with the weather modernize for the latest couple days. Changed my rating just to be fair. Used to be a good apk. Weather not updating even when tried to manually modernize weather. Created this apk in secure list for no auto slay that save battery. Still no go. Most likely awful server that updates the weather. Update:Thanks for the answer, This apk is already whitelisted and us always running. Even then weather @times does not modernize. Will continue to monitor for few more days before uninstalling. If weather server improves, I will change my rating accordingly, just to be fair.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-12-31

  • Sandie Belluomini: Been using this for quite some time now. The paid ver is worth it. Thank you for the modernize. Unbelievable apk ❤
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-08-08

  • Ronald-Maximus Negron: XWidget Pro: As I purchased your apk, I noticed your "Icon/Logo" on my upper-left notification bar. Please Offer Settings Option check-box to present or not present your apk "Icon/Logo". It's unattractive & takes place for more critical notifications. As a retired corporate executive & professor, international player worldwide would greatly appreciate your thoughtfulness & appropriate resolve. Thank You! LG V20 - Android device 7.0
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-09-04

  • Buddy Herrero: Image album not working on galaxy j7 pro.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-11-17

  • Maury Escher Jr.: Weather is still inaccurate.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2017-08-12

  • Ognyan Boyanov: Auto updating of weather widgets no longer works after the latest modernize! Weather info is updated only after reboot or when adding a fresh widget... Please, fix it!!!
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2017-11-12

  • Syahrul Adytya: Sorry for my review for it, hope it will create you more creative and giving us modernize bugs. Thanks
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2017-11-14

  • Serkan Eş: Downloaded widgets receive erased after using smartphone clean program
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2017-11-12

  • Jothi Prasad: Themes are downloading in an unimaginable slow speed. Some are not even downloading. Check your server logs at Jan 03, 2018 10:32 PM IST
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2018-01-04

  • ronny wisdom: Paid for the apk and still can't download anything had no trouble till you had to go to the pro ver to use this apk!
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2017-09-05

  • Ahmad Canggihar: Just buy this but always failed to download
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2017-10-10

  • XDyounkid: This apk hasn't been updated in a while and alot of the widgets aren't hd they have alot of nice ones but to awful they don't modernize the actual apk to fix bugs and what ever is wrong with it mine widget seems to disappear or goes blank for no reason after having it on for a few days it just does that every time and it keeps deleting ones I have already downloaded so want u guys should fix the trouble and add more clocks / weather widgets thanks
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2017-12-30

  • Justin Lindekugel: Umm' u cant find on your pro ver, and a couple another things im not really understanding?!"so why did i purchase your pro ver?!"
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2017-09-05

  • Joseph Zambrana: I'm a xwidget player for years tried to download and said need pro ver once I did it freezes laughs so much it's horrible unless developers fix this there needs to be other widget apk that can do what this one does out there I rate it untill the fix 2 stars
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2017-08-26

  • Botol KecapS Tech: Just installed this pro ver and cant download anything. Its just "Begin Download ....." for couple mins and no progress. How??
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2017-09-06

  • Travis Foley: I have loved this apk for years and after being forced to buy (as someone else mentioned) and the fact that the time stops updating (even after whitelisting in performance apks) I can't give this a awesome rating right now... frustrating.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2017-12-11

  • Total Rubbish! None of the weather widgets are updating! Time updates fine but the weather does not! Went for the paid ver to help the developer... Want I hadn't bothered, receive it fixed please or else give me a refund! Done all all you recommended, and it's still not updating... Please give me a refund!
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2017-12-25

  • Şaban Akincay: Dunno why it's gone Pro but I paid up because it's a brillbrilliant method to customise your home screen but since it's gone Pro I can't modernize my weather on screen ! I've set all the permissions but still no joy ... assist please... thanks
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2017-10-22

  • WiCkEdfOoL: reset my smartphone lose all widgets. run clean master lose all widgets. they vanish leaving a black looking V in its put. this is getting annoying as hell redownloading everything daily!
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2017-10-20

  • Fas Jackson: OK so, since its been FORCED on us to BUY it in order to use any otherwise FREE widgets can you at least give it help for a larger grid option so it looks awesome on tablets like 9X12 or ??? and the time thing is not fixed every time I look at my time widget it's off by at least a couple hours and I have to reset my launcher or reboot my smartphone and I'm running Nova Launcher or the stock TouchWiz Launcher makes no difference this apk has turned into a POS
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2017-11-14


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