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For Android: 11 Guide: ZOZOFIT cheats tutorial
When updated: 2025-02-23 Star Rating: 3.66
Name: ZOZOFIT hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: ZOZO Apparel USA, Inc. File Name: com.zozo.zozofit
Current Version: 2.2.0 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 10000-18217 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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About the application:

AN EASY FITNESS TRACKER ZOZOFIT provides you with your very own digital toolbox that allows you to revolutionize your private fitness adventure by monitoring weight loss, tracking your body transformation progress, and staying accountable through our intuitive scanning data and easy-to-use features. YOU ARE MORE THAN JUST A NUMBER ON A SCALE At ZOZOFIT, we know that weight is no longer a reliable indicator of your private health, as it doesn’t provide you with the full picture of how your body composition is transforming throughout your fitness journey. ZOZOFIT’s innovative features provide you with unparalleled access to valuable data and programs, giving you greater control over your body. Our apk delivers valuable insights including precise measurements, body fat percentage calculations, and our ColorMetric view where you can oversee changes to your shape in a more holistic way. ZOZOFIT is here to hold you motivated, track your progress, and empower you to take control of your journey. 3D BODY SCANNING MADE EASY In less than 2 mins, ZOZOFIT scans your body to provide you with detailed body measurements for 12 key places as well as informative graphs so that you can track your fitness progress over time. Our data will hold you accountable and focused on your goals. ZOZOFIT FEATURES INCLUDE: 3D Mesh: Our default mesh view provides you with a full-body, 360-degree view of your body that features measurement data for 12 key places of your body Side-by-Side: You can compare two various scans of your body to visualize and evaluate your fitness progress more closely ColorMetric: Our cutting-edge color gradient system that represents measurement differences that your physique has experienced over time throughout the scanning process with color intensity (amber: growth, teal: reduction, clear: no growth) Goal Setting: Set goals for various measurement places on your body and track your progress as you work on completing these achievements Goal Simulator: Motivate yourself as you envision changes to your body composition with our slide that allows you to increase or decrease inches on key places of your shape Booty Mode / Share (NEW!): Use our fresh visual program to track and assess your butt’s progress over time as this view highlights changes in lift, fullness, and shape The ZOZOFIT apk is only accessible on choose Android device devices and can be used with OS 11 or later. The following is a list of suggested Android-supported devices: Galaxy S24 Galaxy S24 Ultra Galaxy S21 5G Galaxy S21+ 5G Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G Galaxy S22 Galaxy S22 Ultra Galaxy S23 Galaxy S23 Ultra Galaxy Z Flip3 5G Galaxy Z Flip4 5G Galaxy Z Flip 5 Galaxy Z Fold 3 5G Galaxy Z Fold 4 Galaxy Fold5 Galaxy Flip6 Galaxy Fold6 Google Pixel 9 Pro Fold Google Pixel 9 Pro XL Google Pixel 9 Pro Google Pixel 9 Google Pixel 6 Google Pixel 6 Pro Google Pixel 6a Google Pixel 7 Google Pixel 7 Pro (this device is only compatible with the ZOZOSUIT) Google Pixel 7a Google Pixel 8 Google Pixel 8 Pro Looking for support? Visit https://zozofit.com to browse FAQs, troubleshooting advices, or to contact our squad.

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Changes in ZOZOFIT:
Sharing your booty type just got even better! With this update, you can now choose from a variety of booty cards to share with your friends. We hope you enjoy!<br><br>Be sure to share your thoughts on ZOZOFIT in a Google Play review, or reach out to our support team within the app. Your feedback is always appreciated and helps us serve you better.
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Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • Matt Lyons: I suspect some improvements have been created since some of these reviews were posted. After the first scan intro, you can skip the videos. If you receive an accelerometer notice, just reset the apk and skip the videos and hold the smartphone still (but they really could fix this). Scanning is ok after you receive the hang of it and the results are really very high quality. Not excellent yet but by far the most affordable access to 3D scans. It does work!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-01-18

  • Logan: Been using this apk since May, I lift weights and tend to struggle with the weight on the scale not changing being very demoralizing. In about 12 weeks I have only lost 6 lbs even though I work out hard and track my nutrients. With the apk I can see that I've lost nearly 4 inches in my waist and dropped 5-6% body fat. This helps me stay motivated. I scan weekly and have never had an problem. Some more features would be nice such as a better method to input weight. Present recorded weight on each scan.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-08-26

  • Gary Buchanan: I have had nothing but awesome experiences with this apk and suit. Only problem I've had is when I had a mirror in the background that messed it up. Soon as I fixed it no issues. This has been incredibly helpful in seeing my progress which is very motivating. I am not sure what others are doing but create sure your over head lights are on, it's not too far frome the edge of the table and no reflective surfices( mirrors, shiny things, even remove my glasses just in case)
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-09-13

  • Nicholas Alexander Garbacz: I finally suited up & allow the apk scan me. Pros: 100% accurate compared to the tape measurements I also did. Intro vids were simple to follow. Reminders to measure periodically were simple to set. Cons: The developer could receive this apk verified with Google. It's disconcerting to receive messages about safety. Didn't like being asked my birthdate so I gave an appropriate date.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-03-28

  • Michael Joseph: Loaded easily and scanned well in normal room with recessed lighting after 1 failed attempt. The apk updated the day before I used it, so maybe improvements were created. Was simple and fast to rescan after the failed attempt. All measurements seem accurate. Considered 4 stars instead of 5 because they aren't doing all they should with the 3d model, but it worked as promised. The ability to measure from any point and export the model in a standard format would create the most of what's already there.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-05-32

  • Randall Corsi: The scans are good and their customer service is top notch!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2024-10-02

  • Jarett Payne: Gave me an almost identical body fat percentage as my scale. Also the representation of my body looks accurate. Only minor problem I have is there's something stopping the apk from connecting to Google fit. I'm assuming they'll fix that soon enough but I'm overall very satisfied based on my initial scan.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-11-28

  • Ric D: Good program to have over the scale!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2024-07-15

  • Alejandro Gajano: Scanned perfectly the first time, I used diffused sunlight from a window to have enough light. I think some people are not using adequate light source when they scan (thus the a lot of awful reviews). It was very close on the results, but not exact (thus the 4-stars). It is actually awesome enough to be usable though, so it's all awesome.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2023-02-13

  • joseph boughton: The recent modernize has it working better than ever. It's a good program to use to track your weight loss adventure. Looking at the advertising they only seem to be marketing it to people who are already in shape and I think they're potentially missing out on the weight loss shop. One of the things I like about this suit is that even when the number on the scale doesn't seem to be moving like I would like it to Zozofit shows me that I am losing inches.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2024-07-06

  • Tim B: This is actually super impressive. It correctly identified my measurements down to 1/10th of an inch and was really helpful to visualize my body accurately
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-03-18

  • Jake Mabey: I'm four scans in (about once every two months). The measurements are accurate (I double checked with measuring tape) and the visualizations are good. It's been helpful and motivating. In a few months I'm going to receive a DEXA scan and compare body fat percentage accuracy.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-09-07

  • Shannon Beebe: It's taking some time to receive the apk to take the images, but I changed where I took them, and it seems to be doing better. I do wonder, though, depending on where the dots align each time how accurate it is. I mean, if, say my sleeve is pulled lower one time versus. the next because they are a tiny long to begin with, will it know that or think that I lost inches and vice versa?
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2024-02-09

  • Shawn McKeough: Ordered my suit, waiting for it to arrive so I downloaded the apk and started reading apk reviews. I hope my experience is better than what I'm reading. I will modernize this accordingly once I receive it in hand.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2023-01-22

  • Matty Melt: Very impressed with the initial scan and results. I've been hoping for something like this for quite awhile. Well done zozofit! I'm excited to see my real progress.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2022-10-23

  • Evan Davis: Apk works good, had created tracking progress extremely simple and motivating to see the changes from scan to scan.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-10-13

  • David Chambers: Works beautiful well, but it's beautiful barebones at this point. I like the scans and the numbers.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2023-05-20

  • Blair Chasteen: Absolutely horrible. I spend at least a half hour trying to search the excellent lighting, excellent height, excellent distance with tape measure only for it to stop talking to me and go straight to error window which is supposed to tell you what is wrong but it does NO SUCH THING EXCEPT SAY WE CANNOT FIND YOU. YES MY CAMERA IS CLEANED EACH TIME.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2023-02-13

  • Trace Stewart: Cool idea and works relatively well. Not good for tracking minor changes but useful for month to month changes when you can see visual differences.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2023-09-09

  • Kristen Sparrow: the body measuring works fine. sometimes getting ideal scanning conditions is a pain, especially if you dont have a large house with awesome lighting. My sister has the iphone ver and it's substantially better than the android device ver which is beautiful disappointing.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2024-08-06

  • Jeff Woford: Scanning has some idiosyncrasies. It seems best to be in a single, light color environment. The Apk needs a method to bypass the video guide when the scan errors. It's very wasteful of your time. It took about 10 times for it to work.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2022-10-24

  • Miguel Josué Negrón García: I used this before around three times and everything was excellent but I don't know why today the apk was so slow and also never were able to register my measures, after approximately 15 mins o more.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2023-09-09

  • Logan McCall: I like it, but now it's useless because the apk won't work with my OnePlus 12. plz fix
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2024-07-32

  • Michael Wu: Mixed reviews at this time. Needs more work since the body fat calculations are off by a lot. Hopeful the tool will improve.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2023-05-12

  • Adam Guzauskas: Failed first attempt. No specific info on what failed. But the scan failed and I emailed the company. No response yet. Removed and reinstalled, tried to rescan and the scan failed on two attempts then emails the creator.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2023-04-24

  • Josh Palmer: Crashes constantly. Takes forever. The Amazon wearable apk which closed had a related feature that worked sooooo much faster, better, didn't require a suit and worked more accurately. Good idea and the few times it actually worked seems reasonably accurate. If you love frustrating time spent with questionable tech and few results this is for you.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2023-12-15

  • Michelle Green: I like the idea of this but it does not work. I literally ran my battery down, trying to receive it to scan. Instead of having a button to rescan, you have to back out and go back in, skip all of the guides and test once more just to receive an error that "something is wrong". Then you check your smartphone and it tells you there are folds in the material. I tried so a lot of times to receive this to work. Sending the product back and deleting this apk. Do not suggest.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2023-09-02

  • Mike Flemming: I got 3 measurements out not the apk with minimal problems. Today it has frozen and crashed 10 times despite numerous restarts of my smartphone. I have a worthless spandex polka dotted suit now!!
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2023-12-29

  • Kayleigh Harper: I had high hopes for this. The apk sucks. It says I have a compatible smartphone but it keeps quitting on me through the scanning process. I even tried it with my iPad. That got past the scan but, once more, the apk quit when the loading got to 60%. Three times it did that. So I didn't even receive any info. I could have looked more at the apk reviews before I bought it, that's for sure.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2023-12-07

  • Clint Brubaker: Not currently working, stuck at checking arm pose Edit 30August23: The Apk is working once more without the neck measurement. The apk is convenient to receive body measurements fairly easily. Want there was an simple method to change from standard to metric.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2023-08-31

  • Kayla Dearden: So a lot of tech glitches. I love the concept and the app/suit when they work. Unfortunately that is not very often. Right now I can't login despite a lot of attempts to restart my password etc. Previously I have had a lot of a lot of problems similar to the scans themselves - it is unable to scan so often, even when I previously scanned in the exact same put, lighting, etc. This product is method too expensive to deal with so a lot of problems. Do not suggest.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2024-03-19

  • Thomas Downs: This apk is broken. I bought the suit but I can't log into apk to use it. Waste of time! Modernize: I found out that the problem is with the email registration. If you register it on the site the acc doesn't work. You have to make the acc through the smartphone. I haven't scanned yet but at least I can logon!
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2024-09-11

  • faith: My first scan went ok, but I have literally tried for hours in a couple various territories to scan once more and the apk keeps either freezing or crashing. I emailed help and they told me to uninstall and reinstall the apk, I got through a scan and the apk crashed as I it was loading the photo. I'll test a few more times, but overall it's been beautiful disappointing.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2023-06-13

  • Lori Robak: The first time I used this it worked ok. It's been about 3 weeks, so I tried once more today. I've tried about 10 times and scan is not working, even after restarting my smartphone a few times. When I first press Begin scan it says there's an error, which goes away quickly and then it just spins and spins. Very frustrating since I paid $100 for the suit. :( **months later, still unable to use this apk. TOTAL WASTE OF MONEY
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2023-08-13

  • Mike Brown: Used to be good, 5 stars, but now the apk won't even scan, even after turning it off and on once more, uninstalling and reinstalling. What's the point of a scanning apk that won't scan?
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2024-09-02

  • Uncle Ben: The Apk worked for the first few months but now it crashes when checking your arm pose. I tried on 2 separate phones, that were created by 2 various manufacturers and the apk breaks at the same point on both phones. But for some reason tech help said I could reinstall the apk. Guess what.. It's still won't work
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2023-06-25

  • Joe Edwards: Can't even make an acc without clearing email verification, 10+ word password with symbols and numbers, text verification...(and the apk won't send you a text code) so your not even able to use the apk! Sure am glad I spent all that time to place on this ridiculous outfit to not be able to use it, scan it, NOTHING. What a waste!
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2023-06-16

  • Jonathan Celestin: Dec 5 build crashes on startup on Pixel Fold
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2023-12-15

  • Paulina Wilke: I canNOT receive a scan without trying 3-5 times EVERY time. Doesn't matter what I test. This suit was not a cheap purchase, but feels like a total waste of cash. The apk is so frustrating every single time I use it that it makes me wish to receive rid of the suit and delete the apk entirely.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2024-04-14

  • G Name: Edit: CAN NEVER GET IT TO SCAN. "You are not detected ". Only ever works if there is low-level backlighting behind me which means I have to stand in front of my front window at 8 a.m. to catch the correct amount of sunlight it never works at any another time with any another lighting setup. Awful to use. SO FRUSTRATING!!
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2023-08-23


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