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For Android: 5.1 Guide: C-RAM CIWS simulator cheats tutorial
When updated: 2023-11-22 Star Rating: 4.5346537
Name: C-RAM CIWS simulator hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: Hotdog dog games File Name: com.Hotdogdoggames.BRRRT
Current Version: 3.64 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 500000-541416 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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Watch C-RAM CIWS SIMULATOR GAMEPLAY’S iPad 9th generation|| Artemis C-ram vs Phalanx C-RAM Defence System. video.

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About the application:

Receive engaged in this thrilling C-RAM and CIWS simulator mini game and experience the globe of anti-aircraft warfare - Take control of the air defense! Dive into the action and protect the military bases and critical infrastructures from air attacks! Join this adrenaline adventure and become the commander of Counter - Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar (C-RAM), and Close-In Weapon System (CIWS) weapon systems. Take control of modern anti-air gun systems, CIWS, and C-RAM! - Shoot down opponent aircraft in thrilling wars*** - Play across Ground, Navy, and Air modes! - Inspired by Arma3 Phalanx mod and Fight Thunder CIWS - Phalanx - Goalkeeper - SEA-RAM missile - SMASH 30mm cannon - AK630M2 - 2x cannon - Kashtan Kortik - Millennium gun Ground car - APC - HMMWV - HEMTT - Tonk - ZSU-23-4 Shilka - M1A2 Abrams Naval car - Akizuki-class destroyer Airforce - A-10 Warthog - F/A-18 Hornet - F-14 Tomcat Learn about anti-aircraft systems and apply different tactics and strategies to defend your place versus various types of aerial threats. Experience the rush of operating the C-RAM and CIWS systems! Download this realistic anti-air gunner & shooting simulator mini game and become the fearless guardian of the sky! Ensure the security of your place!

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C-RAM CIWS simulator hack free android guides videoreviews photos and help from pro players.
Changes in C-RAM CIWS simulator:
- green tracer added<br>- minor bugs fixed
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Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • Sebastian van: I love this mini game 10/10. It's very realistic and fun, and I think it's one of the best mini games on Google Play. But I've got some suggestions: 1. when I am fighting in Anti-Air versus. Airplanes, it's super simple. There is only one wave and not a lot of aircraft. The aircraft rarely shoot rockets at you. 2. When I shoot down an aircraft, it falls, and it stays intact. Can you create it that when it falls on the ground it if explode it to little pieces. But pls create a PC ver of this mini game 🙏
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-09-13

  • hello i am guy: I'm surprised this mini game doesn't have a full 5 stars. Its addictive, its realistic, and just fun. The only thing i kinda have a trouble with is that you can't change your sensitivity or it just doesn't work for me. But overall this mini game is a 10/10 C-RAM mini game. I should play for hours and not message! I also forgot to add there's basically NO adds! and the only time i receive them is only like once per 30 mins or so or when there's an offer to receive something for watching an add.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-09-10

  • Mark Bohm: I really love this mini game! It's super addictive and a super new and fresh concept! I've played this mini game since its release, and I'm in love! There are fresh additions to weapons and planes, and I can't wait to see the full potential to the C-130 mode! I just have a little problem, not including video test or bugs... but I'd really like an addition to change the weather from being always raining. I'd like to be able to customize the weather.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-09-13

  • Shiba: So, I love this mini game. The graphics are not what I love about this, it's the sound effects, models, and just the video test in general. I can't wait for updates and it's just overall really fun! Though I have ONE thing to say.. For the abrams, the guns on top of the Abrams could work.. like, a switch option for it!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-09-19

  • Jim Casimir Diaz Bianes: Definitely one of the best mini games I've ever played, but I'm still waiting on when the Mantis CIWS' projectile spread receive implemented into the mini game. It's also beautiful smooth, although what it lacks is a bigger map size for aviation modes it's still beautiful nice
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-08-30

  • Ralph Ablazo: Good,but there are two things that need to be fix in this game.First,when you finished a round (sometimes after 3 rounds),an ad shows even if your data is off,but nothing will happen, and after that,when you play a next round,your camera will freeze and you cannot do anything about it so you'll be force to reset the game,which is VERY ANNOYING!!Second,please add like a first person view camera on the towers& planes because if you look at the sky,all you can see is the ground&water.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-07-14

  • Leo Mrasoraj: Quite a awesome mini game. Easy but fun. But it needs some minor improvments like when you turn on the FILR mode the crosshair would also glow, throttle to regulate speed on airplanes, some textures on the planes, create sure the camera doesn't clip through things so you know what you're shooting at. Thanks!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-06-24

  • Tony Goose: Guys this is by far my fresh FAVORITE apk to play! Absolutely good! Only trouble I have, which is hardy a "trouble" is not enough opponents. Give me a apc2 and most any anti air, and I'm taking names! Outstanding work developer's. Anyone who don't test this is missing out on one of life's tiny luxury's! Test it for true! Then love it, cause you definitely will.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-08-25

  • Blake Dean: Best mini game of this sort accessible, however a realistic crash modernize would be nice and not just acting like solid brick when they hit the ground! That's my.only complaint
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-09-06

  • Isaac Albert Brown: Good mini game, would be nice if the tanks with missiles should have upgrades, there Is a make batter button but it only has a "no advertisements" and 2 another perks for £14. I just love the mini game it just needs various types of missiles and maybe a multi user mode to play with mates.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-08-02

  • Mikel T: it's fine not to fun but it is not awful graphics should be better also the 76mm , 35MM, AND THE 30MM SHOULD HAVE PROXIMITY FUZE BUT ALL and all it's a awesome mini game
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-09-07

  • Millard Mirande: Nice Mini game, but still needs work, One thing I think that should create the mini game more fun is putting an endless mode where the planes don't stop coming until your dead. Can't reccomend it enough
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-07-17

  • Dave: I absolutely love this mini game. I hope they hold adding to it I would love to see an option for shooting at land targets.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-09-06

  • Josh Porter: can we just appreciate the effort here, the graphics are outstanding, and best of all, in the garage section, I SAW THE TONK best obile mini game ever! But yes it does lag and crash, pls fix this, good mini game tho!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-08-16

  • Secret_Identity_4841: Excellent, although (if can be) are you able to add day time options, morning, mid day, sun down, something like that you know.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-09-10

  • Chef Potato: Honestly really good mini game, even though most of the stuff are unlocked it's still a joy to play. Excited for fresh additions to the mini game. Only problem for me is the lock on missile aa gun doesn't work at all.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-07-13

  • Eugenia Falkenhagen: The mini game does what it said on the lunch box, and it does it very well. It is not a simulator per se, but a very fun mini game that put you in the role of a CIWS, perfect sounds, perfect feelings when you throw 3-6,000 rounds down range. I have a few suggestions though, more opponent is one, and one mode where you and allies have health and limited ammunition, increase the risk and reward. Weapons-wise, millennium 35 would be nice.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-01-17

  • Modicum: love the concept. very fun mini game. rounds tend to be very short tho. could add a 1 versus a lot of to have longer rounds. ac130 is also very simple. point and click essentially.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-08-21

  • Matt G: The mini game is good Really awesome time assassin as well But only one thing for my review GIVE US THE AC-130 ALREADY!!! AS WELL WITH MORE AIRFRAMES, WEAPONRY, AND SHIPS THAT WE CAN BUY!! I have to much cash and nothing to spend it on lol But overall, good mini game and good mechanics!!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-08-15

  • Maximus: This mini game is good giving it 5 stars no questions asked can you add surface to air missles/sam bateries and add another lightbulb scenarios which im guessing are your ideas i have an idea how about convoy escort where your an anti air car of your own selecting in a convoy guarding your cars and opponent aircraft have entercepted your convoy and u have to shoot them down before they destroy a majority of ur convoy cars and the another method around where ur a jet trying to destroy a convoy
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-08-26

  • Zion Horres: No explanation just 5 stars although some things are pricey I just do 1 on 1 because I can do em quick and they give 500 per one Finished
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-09-08

  • Batchoy Sumallo: The mini game is easy and primary. Nothing conplicated, if you just like seeing C-RAMs in action then this is beautiful awesome for you. Although theres not much intensity in the video test, its a beautiful fun mini game to allow time pass by. Adding more detail in to the mini game would be awesome, but it isnt neccessary. Just some slight screen shake or something just to create some awesome intense video test for the users themselves. Overall cool and fun, easy and compact. Hold it up!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-01-15

  • Z H: Looks beautiful awesome! Has a lot of potential! Hoping to play online one day!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-09-18

  • Zack Powell: awesome mini game to give an experience of being a ciws all it needs is better graphics thats all
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-09-21

  • Adi Sahinovic: Everything is good after the fresh modernize altough i think the map should receive some more updates like military buildings or something as potential targers? also a patriot missile system would be cool as well with some american planes or the french Dasault rafale, good mini game.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-07-16

  • Nurrahman Purwanto: Beautiful awesome mini game, there only a few problem tho, first of all. The mini game will receive extremely lags after playing for 3 or more round, the fps drop from 30 or so into 3 fps. I dont know how can it happened. But, can easily fixed by restarting the mini game Second, when playing as naval car, my ship sometime submerge. Making I cant shoot missile to the opponent aircraft (i have the screenshoot of this but i cant post it here) Another than that, everything is ok. A awesome Easy mini game to slay little time
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-08-08

  • Hasnul Hanafi: I love this mini game but i found some bug that's when i use 2k22 tunguska. I begin the missile but its disappear right after i begin it. Then I can't no longer lock on opponent target
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-07-14

  • Asha Minz: play this mini game very awesome mini game hd graphics frighter plane warship tank and a lot of more 👌😍🥰😄😃awesome mini game create more mini game like this.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-09-11

  • Russian WarSupporterZ: The mini game in my opinion is a chef's kiss of 10 out of 10 but i have recommendations that may create the mini game better ( im not dictating your future updates btw just some ideas that catched up to me 1. sort CIWS by Nations ( no need for it but would be a nice touch ) 2. adding Muzzle flash even in low-res settings (would assist low end phones ) 3. more planes ( its an idea to play the mini game more by spending more coins on it, no press) 4. Option to remove the in-game sound (For users playing melody)
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-07-07

  • metal clone: good mini game but when i was looking through the shop there was a bug where it gave me the shulka for gratis??? and my balance was something like -40000 after
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-07-11

  • Wojtek Młynarczyk: i love this mini game, it would be cool if there was multiplayer but stil, this is my favourite mini game to play
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-09-11

  • Lex Jedrick Dela Rosa: its reaply awesome mini game and the graphic is awesome and thank u for the gratis su-57
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-09-02

  • Kevin Rice: Beautiful awesome overall, exactly what Ide expect of AAA. There is a bug where I I can't seem to purchase anymore weapon systems once I've bought 3 of them. Not deal breaker though, good mini game!!!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-08-13

  • P.MAURIA ASHOK (JOSEPH STALIN): The mini game is awesome , but please improve the ai of the ground troops Bec they are just dying before they can shot down the air craft, please improve the ai of ac-130 gunship Bec it never hits the target, also there is a fresh bug when i play with using ship iam under water but another all ship is being above the water please fix it , this mini game has lot of potential, please add fresh opponent air craft and another fresh tanks i been playing this mini game for months :)
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-08-03

  • Alex Young: Very fun mini game, good special playstyle and an good amount of things to unblock. Thanks for adding planes to the mini game that you can play as because that is very fun. Maybe in the future you should add plane versus plane wars? Also please create the planes that you play as, have more realistic turning physics. But anyways, good apk!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-03-16

  • Been Auf: This mini game is actually beautiful awesome. Only things I'd change is a method to change sensitivity on the controls, and maybe have a lock like the sea ram has for ciws. Either then that it's a good time assassin and is beautiful fun. Edit: Some Russian missile systems Like the Pantsir M and some more aircraft would be nice.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2022-12-32

  • Eliot van der Ster: this mini game is one of those mini games that look like a scam but this is the opposite, awesome graphics, awesome updates, the developer has a sence of humor(that's awesome) and sounds are good ,etc. If you are trying to search a awesome shooter mini game you could test this one out because I think it's good, btw there aren't that a lot of forced advertisements, only the amount the mini game needs to stay gratis to play.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-01-02

  • Barbara Garcia: The mini game is fun and all but there is only 2 ships and a tiny bit of warrior jets so please add more ships and planes thank you and good mini game
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-07-15

  • Dziban Tobing: This mini game is a gem, but i'd like to see more in this mini game For exaple: -more guns -more cars -more ships -more planes All that items I am looking forward to what's next of this mini game
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-07-31

  • Marte Minong jr: Very awesome mini game i have fun it very much but it would be awesome if you add a feature where some planes spin or death roll or something and some planes just go straight to the like ww2 planes like spitfire sometimes they do a roll when they receive shot down same with the jets it maybe hard to create this thing's its fine if you cant add them in the future
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2022-12-29


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