For Android: 2.0 and up | Guide: VoCaBiT ESL-4 Javanese cheats tutorial |
When updated: 2019-08-05 | Star Rating: 0 |
Name: VoCaBiT ESL-4 Javanese hack for android | Extension: Apk |
Author: Garlin Cephas at | File Name: b4a.VoCaBiT_ESL_4_Javanese |
Current Version: 5.1 | User Rating: Everyone |
Downloads: 1- | Version: mod, apk, unlock |
System: Android | Type: Education |
Watch Vocabit ESL Sampler App supports English as a second language learners. It addresses 34 languages. video.
VoCaBiT’s English as a second language (ESL Apk) for Javanese speakers does not require smartphone or internet services after the initial install. Approximately 5,000 primary English vocabulary words/phrases are gamified to provide an engaging experience for students beginning at grade level 3 and continuing through graduate school level. Also, for specialists wanting to stay current with terminology in their particular fields of endeavor, VocaBiT APP can be a very useful program. Advanced players have infinite access to the Private Library to load specific repositories of terminology for private use or for publishing to another players of VocaBiT APP. English definitions/phrases are intended to provide reference points and context. Therefore, the definitions of words/phrases may be approximate as opposed to pure translations. The objective of the VoCaBiT APP is not to teach language, but rather to provide opportunities for continuous reinforcement of vocabulary skills through the engagement of rigorous, fun-based activities. In addition to Javanese, VocaBiT is accessible in the following languages: Proficiency in vocabulary is fundamental to proficiency in all topics. Scholastic disciplines are built on an understanding of the meanings of words. Furthermore, command of vocabulary supports academic success. In the classroom, for example, whether a student is a native English speaker, or one for whom English is a second language (ESL}, VoCaBiT APP can be a useful program for reinforcing vocabulary in any topic. Furthermore, the apk can be tailored to accommodate students’ particular needs. Also, for specialists needing to stay current with terminology in their fields of endeavor, VoCaBiT APP offers a path for study and reinforcement. VoCaBiT is accessible to the following language speakers: ===== Javanese translation: Bahasa VoCaBiT minangka basa kapindho (ESL Apk) kanggo pamicara Jawa ora mbutuhake layanan telpon utawa internet sawise instalasi awal. Kira-kira 5.000 tembung / frase basa Inggris dhasar dijupuk kanggo nyedhiyakake pengalaman sing bisa ditindakake kanggo siswa sing diwiwiti ing kelas 3 lan nerusake sekolah tingkat pascasarjana. Uga, kanggo profesional sing pengin tetep saiki karo terminologi ing kothak tartamtu, VocaBiT APP bisa dadi alat sing paling migunani. Pengguna lanjutan duwe akses tanpa wates menyang Pustaka Pribadi kanggo ngemot repositori khusus terminologi kanggo panggunaan pribadhi utawa kanggo publikasi menyang pangguna liya VocaBiT APP. Definisi / frasa Inggris dimaksudkan kanggo menehi referensi lan konteks. Mulane, definisi kata / frase bisa dadi perkiraan minangka lawan kanggo terjemahan murni. Tujuan VoCaBiT APP ora kanggo ngajar basa, nanging kanggo nyedhiyakake kesempatan kanggo ngetrapake keterampilan vocabulary liwat keterlibatan aktif, kegiatan sing nyenengake. Saliyané basa Jawa, VocaBiT kasedhiya ing basa-basa ing ngisor iki: Profikensi ing kosakata minangka dasar kanggo keahlian ing kabeh subjek. Disiplin scholastik dibangun kanthi pangerten makna tembung. Uga, dhasar saka kosakata ndhukung sukses akademik. Ing kelas, umpamane, yen siswa minangka pamicara basa Inggris asli, utawa sing basa Inggris minangka basa kapindho (ESL), VoCaBiT APP bisa dadi alat sing bermanfaat kanggo nguatake kosa kata ing sembarang subjek. kanggo nyedhiyakake kabutuhan tartamtu siswa. Uga, kanggo profesional sing kudu tetep nganggo terminologi ing bidang usaha, VoCaBiT APP nawakake dalan kanggo sinau lan penguatan VoCaBiT kasedhiya kanggo pamicara basa ing ngisor iki: Arabic, Bengali, Chinese_zh-CHS, Chinese_zh-CHT, Czech, French, German, Haitian,Creole, Hindi, Igbo, Italian, Japanese, Javanese, Khmer, Korean, Kurdish,Malay, Nepali, Pashto, Persian, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese, Xhosa, Yoruba, Zulu
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